Wednesday 1st April- Daily Tasks

Good morning P4. What a successful day we had yesterday. You are all doing extremely well and I am super proud of you. Today will be the last day I assign work to you until after the Easter holidays so I hope you all manage to have a great time off enjoying it with your families. Feel free to post anything you get up to over the holidays if you want to keep in touch with your classmates but please do so only on the Playground channel.

*Can I please remind you that if you do upload your work on your e-portfolio that you let me know through the post on Teams*

This morning your assignments will go live at 10am and I will be on here between 11.30-12.30pm and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat.


 Numeracy 1st April

Number Talks

Complete the number problem (129 + 167).  Remember to write the title of which strategy you are using in each box.  You can write directly on the Number Talks sheet below and upload or write on a piece of paper, take a photo and upload it to your assignments.  You can choose from:


*friendly numbers


*bridging through 10

Strategies Mat

Use the link below to help remind you of the strategies.

Number Talks Addition Visual Aids


Money work- you have been given a £10 budget to shop for dinner for a family of 4.  Look online to ‘buy’ your ingredients to make your meal and write down a list of what you purchase, how much it cost you and what change was left.  Remember this is pretend, you don’t actually have to go and buy the dinner.

You can either buy ready meals that just need cooked or you can challenge yourself and buy ingredients to make the dinner.


For example, if you’re making macaroni cheese with garlic bread, you will need to purchase pasta, cheese, milk, butter, flour, garlic bread and then any drinks you want.  Have fun!


Literacy 1st April

You are going to be completing a few assessments for Reading, Writing and Talking & Listening today of all the skills we have been learning this term.  It is very important that you complete all of these on your own (no help from parents or the internet) to the best of your ability.  I will mark these at the end of the day and grade how well you have achieved these.

Good luck and let me see how far you have come since January.

Complete each paper and submit to your assignment.

Use the link below to download.

First Level Assessment


Lego Challenge- 1st April

Create a new roller coaster. If you don’t have Lego then feel free to use any other materials. The design is completely up to you. I’m looking forward to seeing what you create.  You can upload in your assignment or post on the General channel.

Tuesday 31st March- Daily Tasks

Good morning P4. Another successful day yesterday with most of you being able to use Teams. There are still a few teething problems for some of you, but these seem to be getting less and less. Keep trying with uploading work to Teams and hopefully we will all be able to do this successfully in the coming weeks.

*Can I please remind you that if you do upload your work on your e-portfolio that you let me know through the post on Teams*

I realised last night that I had set your fact file assignment to be handed in yesterday afternoon and I’m sorry about this. I meant for it to be handed in on Friday afternoon to give you time to research your animal. Well done to all of you that managed to complete it yesterday- give yourself a virtual Rising Star.

This morning your assignments will go live at 10am and I will be on here between 11.30-12.30pm and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat. Remember to use the channels on the left (Playground, Library, No Filter-Photos, Gym Hall) appropriately. If you are wanting a chat with your friends, please do so on the Playground channel. Remember to post about your PE workout on the Gym Hall channel. You can add a photo of you in action or just write a post about your times.

As soon as you come on to Teams or the Blog this morning can you just write a little comment about how you’re feeling today and what you are looking forward to doing. It can be school related or about something else.  Lastly, Mrs KcKee posted on the school blog the Super Stars for the week for each class so make sure you go on and have a look. Have a lovely day!



Numeracy 30th March

Number Talks

Complete the number problem (168 + 124).  Remember to write the title of which strategy you are using in each box.  You can write directly on the Number Talks sheet below (in Teams only) and upload or write on a piece of paper, take a photo and upload it to your assignments.  Please use the following:


*friendly numbers


*bridging through 10

Use the link below to help remind you of the strategies.

Stragegies Mat

Number Talks Addition Visual Aids


Money work- complete only Exercise 1 in Chapter 3.  Complete on a word document and attach to send to me or you can write it out, take a picture of it and upload to your assignment.  Remember Chapter 3 is on the Maths Homework tab at the top of the page.



Literacy 31st March

Continue with your Bug Club reading book.  Remember to refer to the text to help you answer in full.



Den Building- 31st March

Build a den in your garden, or inside.  Use the link below to help you with ideas.  This is a fun activity for you to do at home but you do not have to upload anything unless you want to.  Have fun and I can’t wait to see pictures of your creations if you decide to share them with the class on the General post!


Den building ideas


Monday 30th March Daily Tasks

Good morning P4. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to get outside in the garden for some fun and fresh air. You all made such good progress last week and I hope you enjoyed working on Teams and completing your assignments. I’m going to ask you to try really hard and stick with Teams, uploading your work to assignments. I will continue to post on here in case you are still experiencing some difficulties but hopefully we will be able to work through these together and have you all working on Teams.

*Can I please remind you that if you do upload your work on your e-portfolio that you let me know through the post on Teams*

This morning your assignments will go live at 10am and I will be on Teams between 11.30-12.30pm and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat. Remember to use the channels on the left (Playground, Library, No Filter-Photos, Gym Hall) appropriately. If you are wanting a chat with your friends, please do so on the Playground channel or if you want to upload pictures of you doing a daily workout then upload on the Gym Hall channel.

I’m going to set you a little task just now that I would like you all to answer on Teams as a post or comment on this post so I can see who is engaging with Teams or the Blog. Write a sentence or two or upload any pictures you took over the weekend to let the class see what you were up to. It would be lovely to hear all your weekend news. Have a lovely day and remember to have fun!



Numeracy 30th March

‘Hit the Button’ on Topmarks.  Choose which times tables you want to practise but try those you find particularly tricky.


Number Talks

Complete the number problem (147 + 58).  Remember to write the title of which strategy you are using in each box.  You can write directly on the Number Talks sheet below and upload ( only in Teams) or write on a piece of paper, take a photo and upload it to your assignments.  You can choose from:


*friendly numbers


*bridging through 10


Use the link below to help remind you of the strategies.

Strategies Mat

Number Talks Addition Visual Aids


Literacy 30th March

Weekly spelling words

field     shield     chief     thief     believe     shriek     achieve     mischief

Common words

begin     follow     often     letter     woman


Phoneme story– highlight or underline all the ‘ie (field)’ phonemes and ‘hand-in’ on your assignment.  You should be able to click on the story below and work straight on to this document (only in Teams).  If you can’t, just write or type out the words you find (not the whole story) and upload as before.

Phoneme ie(field) story

Bug Club

Sparrows– How to be an Explorer

Swifts– Caring for Exotic Animals

Swans- Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs

Seagulls- Dead Losses


IDL- 30th March

Create your own fact file on any African animal of your choice.  Use information gathered from the internet or books and put in your own words.  You can include pictures and diagrams to enhance your fact file.  You can use this template to help you or create one of your own.  Unfortunately it’s a PDF so the only way you can use this one is if you print it off first.

Fact file template



Friday 27th March Daily Tasks


Write 5 interesting and quality sentences using the ‘ey (money)’ phoneme.   Complete on a word document or piece of paper and upload to assignments or your e-portfolio.  Remember to ‘add work’ and ‘hand-in’ in Teams. 

Finish your Bug Club book and check you have produced quality answers.



**You do not need to upload anything for this assignment.  It is all interactive, online games**

‘Hit the Button’ on Topmarks.  Choose which three different times tables you want to practise but try those you find particularly tricky. Ask an adult to test you!

Login to Bug Club and complete HAM game ‘Canopy Chaos’ based on fractions.



Art Video- click on the link below to complete activity.  Upload your finished work to assignments in Teams or your e-portfolio.  Also, finish and upload your circus poster.

Art for Kids Hub – Cartoon Panda


Have a lovely weekend.


Wednesday 25th March daily tasks

Good morning P4.  Yesterday we had a bit more of a successful day 🙂 We will try to keep going in Teams and completing assignments given to you, however if you are still not able to access the assignments I have put today’s work on our class blog for you to see.  You can then either upload the tasks to your own e-portfolios or on the posts in Teams.


Numeracy 25th March- Fractions

Fractions work- complete only Exercise 3 in Chapter 10.  Write it out, take a picture of it and upload to your e-portfolio or on Teams.

*The Chapter 10 exercise is in the Maths Homework tab on here.

Literacy 25th March- fun spelling

Select any activity from the grid. Use words from your weekly spelling words and any ‘ey’ words you have found on your own. Write it out, take a picture of it and upload to your e-portfolio or on Teams.




Practise the alphabet in cursive handwriting and then joins to the letter ‘s’ – as/ds/es/is/ks/ls/ts/us. Write it out, take a picture of it and upload to your e-portfolio or on Teams.

You can also fill your day with some leisure reading, Bug Club reading, Joe Wick’s daily PE session and anything else you want to do as a family such as baking, snuggling on the sofa watching a movie or being creative.  Remember this is a time for you to stay safe and do enjoyable things at home as well as completing some school work.
Some of you were having difficulty downloading the Teams app to your own desktop yesterday but remember when it asks you to put in your username you must type it in with at the end of it.
I hope you all have a super day, even though the rain has come on, and I will be available to answer any questions between 11.30-12.30pm and 2-3pm on Teams.

P4A Time Capsule

Since returning from the holidays we have been talking about the opportunities a new year brings.  We discussed ways of improving our lives that are achievable and thinking about what we want to achieve by the end of Primary 4.


We have decided to make a time capsule that we will bury in the school gardens and dig up at the end of the year to see of we managed to achieve our goals.


We are looking for an appropriate container to keep these in.  Preferably  a tin would be best (a large tin of sweets).  If anyone has anything could they please bring it into school as soon as possible.


Thank you:-)

Term 1 Jigsaw

Term 1

We have got lots of exciting things ahead of us this term that will be keeping us very busy.  We are looking forward to our new base topic on Ancient Egypt where we will be participating in lots of fun and arty activities.

To find out more about what we will be learning have a look at our Term 1 Jigsaw Sheet.



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