Tuesday 2nd & Wednesday 3rd June- Daily Tasks

Good morning P4. Lots of great work being produced and lovely to see all the hard work you are doing. Your assignments for today and tomorrow will go live at 9am and the hand-in time will be 4pm on Wednesday for most of them. I have put the closing date for them to be Friday 5th June at 4pm. I will be on here between 11-12pm and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat.

Remember this week is Virtual Sports Week where Mr Smith will be providing sports activities on the blog. There will be two activities each day which you will score. At the end of the week you have to email your scores to either your House Captain or Mr Smith and all the scores will be added together to find the overall Sports Week House Champions. Remember to check the school blog each day.

*Can I please remind you that if you do upload your work on your e-portfolio that you let me know through the post on Teams*


Numeracy Tuesday 2nd & Wednesday 3rd June


Using your multiplication/division flowers from Monday complete the worksheets below.  You can decide whether you want to do the 6x or the 7x table division missing numbers worksheet.

For the division wheels complete only what you can.  Remember to try and challenge yourself.  It is extremely important that you continue to revise and consolidate your tables on a weekly basis.



Division wheels



Number Talks

Complete the number problem (268-146) or (182-53).  Remember to write the title of which strategy you are using in each box.  You can write directly on the Number Talks sheet below and upload or write on a piece of paper, take a photo and upload it to your assignments.  You can choose from:

*place value partitioning

*keep a constant difference

*adjusting for easier numbers


Use the link below to help remind you of the strategies.

Number Talks Subtraction Visual Aids


Literacy Tuesday 2nd & Wednesday 3rd June


Using your spelling words from Monday try to write a silly paragraph using as many of your words as you can.  Try to be as creative as you can and remember to include all aspects of VCOP.


Discussion Web

Complete the worksheet below using the question ‘Should children save their allowance (pocket money) or spend it all away?

Discussion web

Bug Club

Continue with your Bug Club reading book.  Remember to refer to the text to help you answer in full.



There are two parts to the topic work this week for you to complete.

Task 1

Have a look at the power point on weather and take some notes.  Complete the worksheet below on ‘How does the weather affect us?’.  You can also ask family members or look at the internet to help with the research.  Unfortunately the answer sheet is included but try to complete without looking at it.  You could perhaps check it after you have completed the sheet.

What is Weather Presentation

How does the weather affect us Activity Sheet – Lower


Task 2

Complete the rain cloud science experiment.  Don’t worry if you don’t have food colouring- perhaps you could try it with watered down paint to see if it works.  Have a look at the prompt card to answer questions about your experiment.

Science Experiment

Science Experiment Prompt Card


Challenge Calendar

*This is an optional assignment*

Remember to check the Weekly Challenge Calendar channel to see what the challenges are each day.


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