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Week commencing 9th October 2023

This week in the main play room the children have been continuing to explore transport. We have been focusing on transport through sensory play and beginning to explore shape.


Curricular areas-    Numeracy/ technology/ science

In the art area the children have been continuing to explore pattern through looking at different types of leaves 🍁 🍃 we have been using describing words to discuss the patterns we have seen in the leaves.



Curricular Areas   Numeracy- expressive arts

In the outdoor area this week the children have been continuing to explore firemen and the importance of exercise. We have developed an exercise routine and building towers to knock them down.


Curricular Area HWB
we enjoyed having our stay and play sessions this week! We thank you for coming along and we look forward to seeing you at our next one.
We hope you all have a lovely October break and we will see you back in the ECC on Tuesday the 24th October 😊

Week Beginning 02/10/23

We have had a very busy week at Mauchline ECC.⭐️

Indoors we have began looking at transport as a focus. This week we looked at cars, trains and planes. We created a diagram in the tuff spot to find out how the children travel to nursery. We also created our own ECC race track and explored speed and distance, the children were able to share and take turn during this experience. Due to the children bringing in their own autumn leaves, we started to explore autumn print in the art area.

Curricular Areas – Numeracy, Health and Well-being, Expressive arts

Outdoors we have been role playing and building our own fires and using pipes/loose parts to put the fire “out”. The children have also been able to demonstrate Safe Sam and Healthy Hamble (SHANARRI) through creating their own obstacle courses where they could demonstrate team working and risk assessing skills. Another area of interest has been ball skills where many children were developing their catching, kicking and throwing skills.

Curricular Areas – Health and Well-being, Numeracy

A reminder that our ECC Stay & Play sessions are being held next week. Sessions held from 9.30am-10:15am. Green group session 1.45pm-2.30pm. All welcome✨

🔴 Monday (AM)

🟣 Tuesday (AM)

🔵 Thursday (AM)

🟢 Thursday (PM)

🟡 Friday (AM) 

Flu vaccinations will take place on Monday 20th November. If you haven’t already done so please complete the vaccination paperwork and return to the ECC. If you have chosen to not be present during the vaccination, a member of staff from the ECC will accompany your child for their flu vaccine.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


🎃 October Rhyme Of the Month 🎃

October already and we all know what that means….. 🎃 Halloween’s Coming 👻
Please take time to practice our Rhyme of the month Halloween’s Coming with your child at home.  We will be practicing the Rhyme in the ECC.   Also if you’d like to create a Halloween Decoration at home for our Halloween Party at the end of the month we’d love to see your creations.  Choose a part of the Rhyme and get creative… You could paint a witch, or make a skeleton using chalk, or a flying Bat 🦇  Have Fun!

ECC learning week 26.09.23 – 29.09.23

It’s MATHS week at Mauchline ECC

Firstly thank you to all our families who participated in our home link.  We’ve shared your hard work with all the children and it’s on display in the ECC.  Well done.🌟

Indoor Learning

The children are still showing an interest in nursery rhymes and this week we’ve focused on counting rhymes and number rhymes.

The children used construction resources to build their own clock for Hickory Dickory Dock.  As well as reciting the rhyme we explored clocks looking at the numerals on the clock and discussing the concept of time.


The children have enjoyed acting out number rhymes such as 5 little men in a flying saucer, 5 little monkeys and 5 little ducks.

Almost all children had the opportunity to participate in small maths challenges involving number, shape, matching, patterns, colours, counting using both technology and maths resources.

Curricular Links: Literacy, Health &Wellbeing.

Outdoor Learning

They have been focusing on the rhyme 5 firefighters 🚒
Children explored the number track up to 5 counting the number that comes before and after, counting forwards and backwards.
Curricular Links : Literacy, Numeracy and Maths, Health and well-being.
Have a lovely weekend, Jen 😀