All posts by `Lisa Kilday

November top tip for communication

ℕ𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕥𝕚𝕡 🗯

🐻 🧸

As it is the 1st of November, it’s time to introduce our rhyme of the month. This month our rhyme is ‘Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear’ 🧸

Can you please practice the rhyme at home 🏡

We would love for you to send us a video of you practicing with the actions 🕺Why not include your favourite teddy bear ☺️🧸 🕺

Please ask a grown up to video your rhyme and email it to:



Well done to everyone that took part in last month’s challenge and created a rain shaker ☔️ They we’re all fantastic 👏






👨‍⚕️ 💊 ☔️ It’s the 1st of October  and it’s time to introduce our Rhyme of the Month – Doctor Foster!

Please can you practice saying the rhyme at home.  You can also have some fun and see if your child can identify the missing words in the rhyme.  For Example, he stepped in…..?

We would love for you to use your imagination in relation to our poem! You could make or paint a picture of Doctor Foster or create a rain shaker using an old bottle filled with beans/rice 🌧 🎶

We would love for you to bring them in to the ECC to show your friends or post a picture on your child’s learning journal and have fun  🤩


Thank you for your input in last months rhyme. We had some great participation from the children😊Here are a couple of our wonderful Humpty Dumpty’s 🥚

Week beginning 26.09.22 – 30.09.22


Indoors this week, the children have been super busy learning all about farm animals 🐱🐹🐰🐴🐖🐓🐑 They have enjoyed exploring our wooden farm resources & animals and discussed their favourite animals throughout 🤎

We have also been using books and the promethean board to investigate where milk comes from as well as fruit and vegetables 🥗🥕🌽

All children have been provided with multiple opportunities to explore shapes and numbers throughout the play room and have been developing their imaginations through small world play  🔵🟥

*Our library also started back up this week 📚 Please return all books on a Wednesday to allow us rotation on a weekly basis 📖


Outdoors this week the children have been following a new photo stick system 📸 The system allows the children to find their picture stick and take it outdoors, helping to keep themselves safe. This allows staff to monitor which children are indoors and outdoors, which is valuable in the event of an emergency.

Most children have also been exploring our new sand pit 👏 This has been a great success and all children have loved being creative with the sand and it’s resources. Some children have also helped to revamp our outdoor surroundings as we are continually trying to better our resources and the area 🌿🍂

Have a great weekend 🤩