Week Beginning 12/06/23

We have had a very busy week at Mauchline ECC.⭐️

P1 bump up day was on Tuesday where the children got to meet their new classmates and have some time with their teacher. We also got to meet some of the boys and girls starting with us in August! An exciting day for all🥰 Graduation took place on Thursday with our families celebrating our achievement.👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓

Outdoors this week we have been continuing to explore positional language, creating our own houses for animals to live in, beside, on top of etc. We have also been enjoying the sunshine in which the sand and water play has been a favourite.

Curricular Areas – Numeracy, Health and Well-being

Indoors we are looking at the four modes of transport; road, air, sea and rail. This week we have focussed on road transport and began creating tally and bar charts to find out how the children travel to the ECC. Some children created their own stories after expressing interest in books. We will continue to develop this in exploring initial sounds and letter formation.

Curricular Areas – Numeracy, Health and Well-being, Literacy

We are so proud of our children, they all did fantastic during graduation and we are so excited for their P1 journey.⭐️


Have a lovely weekend everyone and make sure to stay safe in the sun!


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