Week commencing 09.09.24

Week commencing 09.09.24


This week we are continuing to explore dinosaurs within the ECC and have been using construction materials to design and create our own πŸ¦•Β We have been incorporating size and discussing big and small as well as investigating the various colours and body parts of multiple dinosaurs πŸ¦•. Β Some children have enjoyed creating collage dinosaurs when in the creative area. They used a variety of collage materials provided and enjoyed designing their own interpretation of a dinosaur. Children are continuing to explore collage materials during play and have open ended resources available including loose parts and different varieties of equipment.


Outdoors this week we have been exploring bugs further and have enjoyed using investigative equipment to look closely at insects in our garden. Children developed their ICT skills through use of the iPad to further investigate and research facts and information relevant to our findings πŸœΒ πŸ›Β Some children expressed their creativity through designing and creating Β their own bug houses using various construction materials and loose part resources  🏑

We also visited the gym for the first time this week πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈΒ As some children have never been to gym,Β we discussed the importance of keeping safe as well as the gym routine and expectations. We then enjoyed a warm up activity before taking part in some rings games incorporating turn taking and peer support before a cool down of some stretches. Our gym session will be every Tuesday if you can please provide gym shoes in your child’s bag πŸ˜ƒ

We hope you have a lovely weekend and take care ✨


Lisa x

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