All posts by Mrs Webb

Numeracy 4.12.20

We have been working in teams to play a ‘Snowman Drive.’ It’s been great fun and very competitive. Here it is below in case you want to play at home with your family. It’s a good one for the Christmas holidays!!

Snowman drive


We have been working really hard with our multiplication calculations. We have been testing our friends through various games and this week we have been using calculators to check our answers. Do you have a calculator at home you could use to investigate some calculations of the 2, 5 or 10 times table?


This week we have been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Can you recall either of these? Counting in 2’s to 20, 5’s to 50 and 10’s to 100?

Use your 100 square to help you.

Mrs Webb 🙂

Numeracy 11.11.20

Mental Maths

Can you write down all the numbers that add together to make 10? Ask someone to set a timer for you and race against the clock! Remember your switcher calculations!


Have some fun with someone at home and see if you can play these games. If you need a dice or counters please ask and I can give you some home to keep.


addition to 100 game


addition to 20

Mrs Webb 🙂


Normally we go trick or treating round our friends and families houses. Unfortunately we cant this year but do you have any jokes you could tell us tomorrow?

Here are a couple of jokes for you.

What do birds say on Halloween?
Trick or Tweet

What do ghosts use to wash their hair?

What kind of monster is the best dancer at parties?


Happy Halloween

Mrs Deans and Mrs Webb

Numeracy 28.10.2020


We have been working really hard looking at numbers to 100. We are now looking at adding two, two digit numbers together using partitioning. Click the link below.




We have been working really hard during numeracy time. The circles have been working really hard and we are now looking at different addition strategies. Click the links below.

Number grids and lines

bridging and adjusting


Mrs Webb 🙂