Home Learning 24.5.21


Our new phoneme is split phoneme o-e. Here is our spelling list:

Can you think of more o-e words to add to the list? How many of them can you use in one sentence?


Each group will have a new book allocated to their account as it is introduced in class.

Ladybirds- Horribilly- Swampy Mess

Glow-worms- The Mermaids and the Perfect Presents

Spiders- Can you see me? https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students username– loga password– pr23


Triangles and squares have been working on adding using the column method and are now dealing with exchange.

We have done lots of practise to help us understand that exchange means a swap for something of equal value. If we have more than 9 units we need to exchange 10 for 1 ten. More than 9 tens means an exchange for 1 hundred.

We have learned that with this type of calculation we always have to start in the units column. The first thing we have to do is 7+5.

7+5 = 12  so needs to be written in as 1 ten and 2 units as shown above.

The tens need to be added next with the exchanged amount added in. 3+2+1=6.

It is also very important that we keep the tens and units in the correct columns when writing in our answers. Here are some calculations to try.

Home learning 17.5.21

What an exciting Monday we had! First we had a visit from Billy and Barbara, the lambs, then we had our athletics session with Scott in the afternoon!


This week we are working on split phoneme i-e. Here is our list:







Common words





Can you read and spell all of these words? Try to write a story using as many words as you can.


Books will be allocated to bug club as soon as they have been introduced in class.

Ladybirds- Wallace and Gromit and the Soccamatic

Glow-worms- The Cake Sale Goo

Spiders- Big Feet https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students username– loga password– pr23


Hit the Button Game is an excellent way to practise mental maths skills. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

We have a daily task that covers many numeracy skills. Here is a copy of the task children in the circles and triangles groups work on independently. Circles are working on 2 digit numbers. Triangles are on 2 digit numbers and moving on to 3 digit numbers if they need more of a challenge.

Squares are working on numbers to 20, paying particular attention to numbers 11-19 and making sure to get the digits in the correct order.


As part of our topic ‘On the Farm’ we have been learning about food chains. Children are finding out about how animals rely on each other for food and can describe simple food chains. Ask your child to tell you what they know!

Home learning 10.5.21

We had fun at our athletics session with Scott!


Our phoneme this week is ‘y’ as in ‘sky’. Here is our spelling list:

Can you think of any more words to add to the list?


Here are our reading books for this week. (Books will be allocated after they have been introduced to each group  in class)

Ladybirds- Gloopy Food

Glow-worms- The Mermaids visit the vet

Spiders- Tiger’s Family https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home

(Oxford Owl Student Login details: username– loga password– pr23



Use Hit the Button game to practise-

Circles- doubles to 10 and 20, halves to 10 and 20, number bonds up to 10 and 20.

Triangles- doubles to 20 and within 100, halves within 20 and 100,  number bonds up to 20 and 100,

Squares- number bonds within 10  and identify numbers to 20 in the helicopter game below



Home Learning 3.5.21


igh phoneme

This week our phoneme is our first one made up of three letters!

Our list is:







Common words





This term we are focusing on speech in our books. Pay attention to speech marks or speech bubbles when reading. Notice that speech marks are before and after the words spoken by characters.

Ladybirds- The Snowman-o-tron.

Glow-worms- The bike Race

Spiders- The Dragon Balloon https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students

Oxford owl login is username– loga password– pr23


Here is an example of the mental maths challenges we have been doing this term.

Mental Maths circles

Mental Maths triangles