Home Learning 28.01.21


Good Morning everyone!! Hope your week is going well, you are all doing amazing.

Don’t forget our virtual classroom at 11am. Today we will be doing some number talks so bring your white board and pen with you. You will be aware that there are technical difficulties with Vscene. Please stick with us and hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.

Remember to contact me with any questions you may have at all. Just send me a little email and I’ll be happy to help.

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch will take place Friday 29th – Sunday 31st January 2021.

I thought it would be fun to make your own set of binoculars.

Click below for the instructions.

How to Make Binoculars


Continue with your sum dog competition please.



Yesterday we were looking at tenths. I hope you managed to create your own flash cards. Please continue to explore with these, ordering them, matching them with their fractions. It will really help you to become more familiar with tenths.

Click on the link below with your task for today. Write the fraction of how many tenths have been shaded for each question.

labelling tenths

This is a really fun game to play to help you practise your tenths.



Your first task today is to write down all the numbers that add together to make 10. Remember your switcher calculations!

Here is one to start you off 1 + 9 = 10


Today we are going to be looking at the strategy BRIDGING.

Bridging is a mental Maths technique of adding two numbers whose total is greater than 10. You count through to 10 then add the remainder as well. Click the powerpoint below for an explanation and calculations to try yourself. You have two tens frames in your pack that you can use today. Use your white board pen to draw in counters inside the squares or you could use your play dough to create little balls and squash them down as you count them.

Bridging powerpoint

It is called bridging as when you move the counters over – it is like you are building a bridge. Here is a few examples below.

8+5 = ?    We fill up the tens frame on the left so the calculation becomes 10 + 3 =

It is easier to add on from 10 than it is 8.

So if  10 + 3 = 13                         then so does 8 + 5 = 13

9+3 = ?    We fill up the tens frame on the left so the calculation becomes 10 + 2 =

It is easier to add on from 10 than it is 9.

So if  10 + 2 = 12                        then so does 9 + 3 = 12

6+7 = ?    We fill up the tens frame on the left so the calculation becomes 10 + 3 =

It is easier to add on from 10 than it is 6.

So if  10 + 3 = 13                        then so does 6 + 7 = 13

Now its your turn. Use your tens frames to solve these calculations using bridging.

8 + 3 =

5 + 9 =

6 + 6 =

4 + 7 =

8 + 7 =

9 + 5 =

5 + 6 =

9 + 4 =

5 + 8 =

7 + 6 =


Persuasive writing

Persuasive writing is used to convince or persuade a reader that the writer’s opinion of a topic is correct. They want you to agree with their key message or point of view.

Did you manage to find out about any castles in Scotland? I have made a sway with a few popular castles.  Have a little look.

I have added a few facts about them and talked about some of their features. Choose your favourite castle or one of your own that you know about.


Tomorrow we are going to create a poster persuading  people to visit your chosen castle – like you are advertising your chosen castle.

Todays Task

Today you are going to plan what will be in your poster by creating a mind map.

Why would people want to visit your castle? What are the main attractions? What makes it better than the rest? Does it have lots of lovely features from our powerpoint yesterday? What is there to do when you visit?

I have created an example for my choosen castle. Have a look then complete yours in your jotter.

Dean Castle Mind Map

I have created a word wall to help you with any spelling – you can add to this as you go along. If you are struggling to spell a word have a look for the first sound and see if it is here. Happy Planning!

castle word wall

Have a great day! Mrs Webb 🙂


Home Learning 27.01.21

Good Morning boys and girls!! Mrs Deans and Mrs Webb here. We both hope you are all doing great. We are so delighted to be hearing from so many of you and love seeing all your hard work.

Don’t forget our virtual classroom at 11am. Today we will be doing a new word aware word as well as having a wee guessing game with the words we already know. The word is ‘fiction’ so have a think about what it means before our call. It was lovely to see so many of you yesterday! You will be aware that there are technical difficulties with Vscene. Please stick with us and hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.

Remember to contact us with any questions you may have. Just drop us a quick email. Take care and have a great day.


I hope you enjoyed your quiz on Scots language. Here are the answers below. Did you test anyone else in your family?

Scots language quiz answers


A very well done to all that competed in the sumdog competition. I can see your results and see how hard you have been working so give yourself a huge pat on the back!! You have been rewarded with some coins 🙂

It has been so exciting checking the leader board each day.

The scores are in, check below to see who is 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

3rd place – Jayden

2nd place – Callie

1st place – Harley

You have been rewarded some extra coins 🙂

Well done!!

I know so many of you loved it so I’ve created another one for you. Have fun!!



Today we are going to start off with some quick warm up questions. We are finding halves and quarters of amounts and linking this with dividing by 2 and 4. Click below for your questions. Use your counters to help you or you can draw out the quantities and group them with circles.

division mental maths

We are going to be exploring tenths today. Click the power point below for a little introduction.

tenths power point

Follow up


Below I have created flash cards just using pens and paper. I’d like you to create your own. If you do not have any spare paper then take some out of the back of your jotter. Starting with 0, 1/10, 2/10, 3/10, 4/10, 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10 or 1.

I also made tens frames – you can do this with the squares in your jotter and cut them out. Here is a copy of my tens frames if you are able to print them – Tens frames

Can you show tenths from 1/10 (1 tenth) all the way to 10/10 ( 10 tenths or 1 whole) by colouring them in? Then order them correctly from smallest to largest and largest to smallest.

Can you match the shapes with their fraction and order them? You can also play pairs with someone in your house. Pair up the fraction with the shape.



This week week are going to be looking at adding and subtraction and looking at various strategies to help us solve calculations.

When we add we count on and the quantity gets higher. If we add on 1, it is one more than the number before.

When we subtract we count back and the quantity gets lower. If we take 1 away, it is one less than the number before.

Please complete these  calculations to show that you remember how to count on and count back, remembering to check the calculation for the + or – sign. You can use your 100 square to help you.

addition and subtraction mental maths

Next we are looking at adding by combining groups together and counting them all to find a total.  Click on your task below.

Counting to find a total


This week are are going to be doing a little bit of persuasive writing about castles. We are so lucky to have lots of famous castles in Scotland. Have you ever been to any? Do you know of any?

Have a look through this powerpoint which shows us the main features of a castle.

Castle powerpoint

Have a think about what persuasive writing is – if you are trying to persuade someone to do something- what are you trying to do?


Spelling and Dictation Sway


We did some work on literal questions last week. I’d like everyone to have a bit more practise before moving on to our next skill. I would like you to answer the questions given but also to try and create your own questions.

Literal Questions

Mrs Webb and Mrs Deans 🙂