Home Learning WB 9-11-20

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to start a new week!

Here is your home learning tasks:


  • This week we are learning about the soft c rule in class, so all words are soft c words
  • Choose 4 spelling activities to complete with your new word list


  • For maths this week, we are going to reinforce our knowledge of adding and subtracting using mental strategies
  • You will be given an activity in class to complete at home in your maths homework jotters. Please write down the steps you have followed for each question as we have been doing in class. 
  • There is also a 7x table challenge set on Sumdog to be completed by Friday please


  • Wednesday 11th November is Remembrance Day and we will be doing some activities in class to mark this important day
  • Have a think about the following questions and discuss them with someone at home:
      1.  Why do we have Remembrance Day?
      2.  Why is it important to remember every year?
      3.  Poppies are often associated with Remembrance Day.          What do poppies symbolise and why do people wear them?
  • We will be discussing these questions in class on Wednesday so have your answers ready for then!