Home Learning W.B. 26/10/20

Hi everyone,

Here is your home learning tasks for this week:


  • We are focusing on the f phoneme this week
  • You should choose 4 different activities to practise your words (e.g. rainbow words, lucky 3s, pyramids, bubble words, curly words, sentences etc.)


For maths homework each week we are going to focus on a specific times table to increase our speed and fluency when working with tables. This week we are practicing the 4x table.

  • Complete a short activity each night to practise
  • Example activities are:  write out the 4x table as many times as you can within a time limit- can you beat your record? Practise with someone at home- can they test you with some questions? Hit the Button, times table bingo with a family member
  • I have set a 4x table challenge on Sumdog- please complete this for Friday.

Any problems, let me know. Otherwise, have fun!