Homework W.B 28th February

P4/5 Homework Week Beginning 28th February


Important Note: I would be very grateful if you had any spare shoe boxes lying around. We will be starting a homework project soon and it would be great if we all managed to have a shoe box. If you do, could you send these into school. Thank you 😊





Parrots- Copy your words another 2 times. Complete 6 sentences using a different spelling word each time. Try using your connectives and or but.


Blue- Copy your words another 2 times. Complete 6 sentences using a different spelling word each time. Try using your connectives and, but, therefore and because.


Green- Copy your words another 2 times. Complete a phoneme story underlining all your phoneme words. With a coloured pen or pencil circle any pronouns that you use.


Yellow- Copy your words another 2 times. Complete a phoneme story underlining all your phoneme words. With a coloured pen or pencil circle any pronouns that you use.




Chimps: An Awfully Beastly Business: Saving a Sea Monster (Chapter 3)


Sloths: New Book


Toucans: Tick Tock Unfix the Clock (Chapter 1 and 2) & Mae in the Middle: Music Master (Chapter 1 and 2)


Parrots: Bug Boy:  Spider Camp


Remember to practise reading aloud every night. This will help you develop your pace, tone and fluency.




Complete the Sumdog challenge called ‘Homework Numeracy Challenge’. I can’t wait to see how you all get on!




Talk to Me Homework


This week I would like you to talk to somebody at home about their most favourite childhood memory. Remember to ask them appropriate questions relating to the topic and give them the aspects of a quality audience whilst they are speaking. Make some notes about this inside of your homework jotter.