Primary 1 Homework – Monday 7th December 2020


Activity 1: We are learning to say, read and write the sounds ‘c’ and ‘k’.

Go on a treasure hunt around your house. Can you find anything that begins with the sound ‘c’ or ‘k’?

Extra challenge: Practise forming the letters ‘c’ and ‘k’.

Activity 2: We are learning to say, read and write the words ‘can’, ‘we’, ‘into’.

Log on to Sumdog Spelling and complete the challenge “Homework 7,12.20”.

Maths and numeracy

Activity 1: We are continuing to learn about coins.

Log on to Sumdog Maths and complete the challenge “Money 7.12.20”.

Activity 2: We are learning to add to 10.

Practise completing the following calculations. You can use counters or a number line to help you:

4 + 2 =

8 + 1 =

3 + 6 =

1 + 6 =

4 + 5 =

3 + 5 =

7 + 2 =