P4S – Descriptive Writing with AI

P4S have recently been learning how to write more descriptively in their writing. In pairs, we had to describe a setting while thinking about sights, smells, sounds, feelings and actions. We also made sure to add lots of adjectives and some figurative language like similes. Our descriptions were put into an AI image generator to visualize our settings!

Click the link below to have a look at our super settings!

AI generated setting writing lesson

P4S – IDL – Animal Camouflage

Today in P4S we learnt about how animals adapt their appearance to help them survive in the wild. We learnt about 4 different types of camouflage: concealing colouration, disruptive colouration, disguise, and mimicry. We put our skills to the test by trying to blend in butterflies to different areas around our classroom.

P4/5 and P4S

P4/5 and P4S had a brilliant class led assembly!

We loved sharing our learning about Ancient Rome and Modern Day Rome with our families and carers.

We are very excited for our new topics to come!


P4S – Time for Time!

Last week, P4S started their block of learning on Time in Maths. We began by getting a baseline of what they understood about reading and telling time for analogue and digital clocks by playing 99maths.

P4/5 World Book Day!

P4/5 had a wonderful World Book Day.  We started our day off with a “StarBooks” themed morning.  The children loved ordering their food and drinks and enjoying these with some morning reading!

We also took part in the Footy Booky Live Lesson quiz as well as the wonderful quiz that our Pupil Council created.

Everyone looked brilliant and I really appreciate the effort that was taken to dress up.

Mrs Dickson

P4S World Book Day

Yesterday we celebrated World Book Day in style! It was lovely seeing all the pupils dressed up or cozied up in their PJs. In class, we create our own comic books and redesigned the front cover to our class novel, The Wild Robot. We were also able to squeeze in some outdoor reading time on the terrace.

Happy World Book Day!

P4S – Christmas Party!

Tuesday morning was a fun one as the class went to their annual Christmas Party! The pupils looked fantastic in their party clothes and had a blast dancing to some traditional Scottish songs & dances as well as other party dances.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all the pupils and families!

P4S – Classroom Economy

As part of our Developing the Young Workforce and Money education in Maths, P4S will be participating in a Classroom Economy in January 2025. The pupils will complete job applications for a job to earn themselves a wage. With their money they will need to pay rent for their desk in the classroom. Any remaining money they will need to decide whether to save their money to buy their desk outright or purchase goods from the class shop. The jobs available are in the PDF below.

Classroom Economy Jobs

Economy - Free business and finance icons

P4S – Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from all of P4S!

We had a fun day of pretending that we were surviving in a zombie apocalypse. We had to use out problem solving skills to escape the research facility, work as a team to pack our survival backpack, and finally create posters to describe what the zombies look like so the public know what to look out for!

In the midst of it all, we also made some Oreo cookie spiders! What would Halloween be without some spooky snacks. We ended our instructional writing block of learning last week  by writing instructions for how to make the cookies.


P4S – Art and Design – Tones and Shades

P4S have been learning all about colour theory. This week we were learning how to make lighter and darker tones of a colour by adding in white and black. Next week, we are going to use what we have learned about tones to make a monochromatic picture. Some of our P4S pupils had this to say about the learning:

  • “If you add too much black into your colour, it wastes your colour.”
  • “I learned that black and white aren’t really colours, they are shades.”
  • “The more white you add, the paler the colour gets.”

P4S – IDL – Identifying Native Trees

P4S set out on a nature walk around the school grounds, eager to learn about the trees that surrounded them. Armed with leaf identification charts, they stopped at each tree, carefully examining the shape, size, and color of its leaves. Some leaves were broad and smooth, while others were jagged or needle-like. The students worked together to match the leaves to the trees’ names, discovering oak, elder, and pine among others. As they walked, their curiosity grew, turning a simple walk into an outdoor adventure of learning and discovery.

P4S – Maths – Place Value

For the past few weeks, P4S have been learning about place value – the basic foundation of mathematics on top of which all other concepts are built! Understanding place value is crucial for grasping more advanced math concepts. The key things they have been learning are:

  • Value of Digits: Be able to explain how the value of a digit changes with its place. For example, in the number 6,789, the digit 6 represents 6,000, while in 678, it represents 600.
  • Reading and Writing Numbers: Read and write numbers within the 1,000s.
  • Expanded Form: Write numbers in expanded form to show the value of each digit. For instance, 4,582 can be written as 4,000 + 500 + 80 + 2.
  • Comparing Numbers: Compare and order numbers within 1,000s. Understand terms like greater than, less than, and equal to, and use place value to determine which numbers are bigger or smaller.
  • Rounding Numbers: Round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand. This involves understanding which place value to round to and applying rounding rules.

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