Wolf Brother HWB Activities

To find out more about this novel go to  Wolf Brother which includes an audio recording of Chapter 1.

Make a Wristband with a Message 

CfE Es and Os  HWB 2-09a

This will help you think about the responsibilities we all have for looking after ourselves, other people and the world around us.

You will need 3 strands of wool each about 40 cm long and each a different colour if possible.

The first strand represents you and the responsibility you have for looking after yourself (do you remember to brush your teeth every day, stay safe when crossing the road, for example?)

The second represents how you take care of other people – do you help family members with chores around the house, do you play with younger brothers and sisters, help friends when they have a problem to solve?

The third is about what you do to look after the natural environment and all of the creatures that use it – do you make sure you take litter home, do you make sure you do no damage to trees and other growing things, do you feed the birds when you can?

The video link shows you how to make a 5 strand wristband but it works just as well with 3 strands .

How to Make a Wristband

Can you teach someone else to make one?

Can you think of new ways you can take responsibility for yourself, other people, the environment?


Give Advice to Torak or Write Yourself a Letter

CfE Es and Os  HWB 2-03a,HWB 2-08a and HWB 2-11a

If you have a copy of the book Wolf Brother, think about the times when Torak feels alone and unsure of what to do next. Write down what you would say to him to encourage him – what are his good qualities, who or what will help him during the challenges ahead?

If you haven’t got a copy of the novel, think about a time when you had a problem to solve.  Perhaps you had fallen out with a friend or were worried about a job you had to do at school. Write a list of things you wished someone had done for you or said to you to get through this difficult time.





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