The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark – MNU Activities

The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark – MNU Activities

This is a well known and well loved story about a baby owl who seeks help to overcome his fear of the dark.  Find a link to the story here You Tube – The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.

Watch the video and try out some of these activities.

Make Symmetrical Moth Art CfE  Es and Os  MNU 0-19a

We all remember making butterfly pictures.  Why not try making night time moth pictures instead?  Both butterflies  and moths have markings on their wings that match – the wings and the markings are symmetrical.  Watch the BBC Bitesize video clip for an explanation of reflection or mirror symmetry.

BBC Bitesize Video Symmetry

Moths try to hide during the day so their colours need to blend in with the trees and bushes they rest on.  Most of them have markings that are less colourful but just as interesting as butterfly markings if you take time to look.

WW Night Time Moth Detective will give you ideas for your moth art and help you name any moths you are lucky enough to spot outdoors. 

To make your pictures  use  whatever materials you have available – paints, pencils, scrap paper, material from the recycling bin or natural materials (twigs, leaves etc) you have gathered on your daily walk or from the garden.  You don’t need to glue anything down to preserve your picture, take a photograph if you can.

Make  A Timetable of Your Day and Compare it With Plop’s  CfE  Es and Os  MNU 0-10a, 1-10a

Make a timetable showing what you do on a school day or a day when you are not at school. Make one for Plop’s day.

What is the same? What is different?

Your timetable can look like a list of activities (sleeping, eating, playing…) next to a list of times.  Take a look at the My Day and Plop’s Day Timetables for some ideas about layout.

Litter/Recycling Maths   

CfE  Es and Os  MNU 0-20b, 1-20b

Organise your recycling materials.  Sort the materials into categories – plastics, paper, metal.. Can you and your child explain reasons for your decisions about what belongs in what group.

Alternatively, invent your own categories – this could be by colour, what was in the packaging … It’s up to you so long as you can explain why each item belongs in its group.

CfE  Es and Os  MNU 0-11a

Measure your recycling materials (no need for scales or rulers!) – What is the heaviest? What is the lightest? What is the longest/shortest piece recycling?


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