The Lorax Health and Wellbeing Activities

The Lorax is another great story from Dr Seuss.  A simple picture book with a very important message.  Watch a reading of the story You Tube – The Lorax

Don’t be fooled into thinking this book and the linked activities are suitable only for younger learners.  the book and it’s message is enjoyed from P1 to P7.   For children working at Early Level, it is possible to complete these activities illustrating them with drawings and a few words of text.  It is possible for children to have their ideas scribed.  Talking and thinking about the issued raised is the most important part of each of the activities.

List the Once-ler’s Good Qualities

CfE Es and Os   HWB 0-10a / HWB 1-10a / HWB 2-10a

Is it possible for someone to be all bad and have no good qualities?

List the Once-ler’s good qualities.   For example, we know that he was a clever inventor.

Use  The Lorax – The Once-ler’s Good Qualities template if you are looking for ideas for how to set out your list.

Make a list of useful inventions

CfE Es and Os  HWB 0-09a / HWB 1-09a / HWB 2-09a

What inventions could The Once-ler have created that would have helped the Truffala Trees, the Swomee-Swans, the Brown Bar-ba-loots and the Humming Fish?

Why is it important for everyone to think about what we can do to help other people and other living things?

The Once-ler says, “I have my rights…” before turning more Truffala Trees into Thneeds?   Is he correct?

CfE Es and Os        HWB 0-09a / HWB 1-09a / HWB 2-09a

Make a list of rights and corresponding responsibilities that we each have.  For example, we have the right to play but we also have  responsibility for making sure we don’t spoil other people’s fun.

Can you make a list of rights and responsibilities that would have helped the Once-ler make better decisions?

Rights VS Responsibilities

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