Watch our video to find out how to grow a crop of potatoes in a small space.
Watch our video to find out how to grow a crop of potatoes in a small space.
Attract wildlife to your garden from the tiniest mini beast to birds and mammals. You don’t need a lot of space and you don’t need to spend money. This video shows you how:
Find out more about creating mini wild spaces at
There are many ways to enjoy gardening without needing to buy seeds. Collecting your own seeds is a good way to start.
Watch this short clip to find out more.
Visit Plants for Free – Collecting Seeds for more activity ideas and to learn about collecting seeds.
Watch Aly’s video to see how easy it is to make a simple bird feeder.
For links to our You Tube channel and more ideas for how we can support and enjoy nature see our latest post on the EAC LOST pages.