These pages will look to support your child’s learning of RME (Religious and Moral Education). The religious and moral education (RME) curriculum area includes the two distinct areas of religious and moral education (non-denominational) and religious education in Roman Catholic schools.
Religious and moral education (non-denominational) explores Beliefs, Values and Issues and Practices and Traditions through the context of Christianity, World Religions selected for study and belief groups independent of religion. Religious education in Roman Catholic schools includes the study of Catholic Christianity (including the Mystery of God, In the Image of God, Revealed Truth of God, Son of God, Signs of God, Word of God, Hours of God, Reign of God) and other world religions (including beliefs, values and issues, practices and traditions).
Here are links to Education Scotland CfE Religious and Moral Education
Here are some activities, linked to learning across the Early to Second Level Experiences and Outcomes: