The Wilderness War Health and Wellbeing

The Wilderness War

Read   The Wilderness War – Introduction  if you do not know or have a copy of the book.

Health and Wellbeing Activities

Risk Assess Outdoor Activities

CfE Es and Os   HWB 1-16a / HWB 2-16a

Plan an adventurous activity outdoors –   to be done in your garden or while on a local walk.  If your are going to stay in your garden it might be possible to set up a tent, build a den or  (with an adult) light a stove/fire.

Plan and prepare for your activities.  This might mean gathering or making equipment,  writing shopping lists and making a list of tasks.

A  risk assessment -that is, a plan which helps identify possible hazards or problems  – should be part of your plan.  For example, is it possible that a den would fall down and hurt someone? Work out how to prevent  possible hazards or problems becoming things that actually happen.


For some safety guidance and for information on minimising our impact on the environments read the posters below.

Lighting a Fire – Safety Tips

Leave No Trace

Campfire Food 

Food & Health HWB 1-30b and  HWB 1-33a, HWN 2-33a

If you have your own garden, follow the recipe from the National Trust  and bake your own break over a campfire.  Food always tastes better when you eat outdoors, even better when you make it yourself!

National Trust – Campfire Bread Recipe




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