Creating Letters and Numbers Outdoors

As highlighted in our newsletter last week, we have been uploading lots of activities and resources for learners with Additional Support Needs.  This week, Aly shows you an activity which can be carried out with learners across all levels, but which might be particularly enjoyed by learners with ASNs due to the hands on, tactile and sensory nature of the activity.  Learners can create letters in their name, letters they know and numbers using natural materials, or even physically.

We have also shared some visual resources on our webpage which might support learners to better understand some of the situations around COVID-19.  Thank you to Kris Campbell from @Wbankschool for sharing these with us. Have a look at the web page for more information:

Additional Support Needs

As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs.

If you would like to sign up and get a whole host of Outdoor Learning inspiration sent straight to your inbox every Wednesday, then please sign up by following this link:

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