Mrs Mackie’s P6 class achieved their John Muir Discovery Award using STEM as a main focus.
They Discovered and Explored their school grounds and local community greenspaces such as The Mount and the local park. The class looked at the biodiversity in local greenspaces and found the biggest worms!!
Pupils researched John Muir’s life from when he was a boy growing up in Scotland to adulthood in America – one of the highlights was taking the American President camping! After this trip John Muir became known as the Founder of National Parks.
When sharing what they had learned in a very innovative way using presentation, video, slideshow and role play to family and friends pupils also spoke about climate change and what everyday things we can do to help reduce our carbon footprints.
Mrs Mackie’s class enjoyed working towards achieving their John Muir Award so much they are planning to continue learning about nature and what can be done to help after the holidays.
Congratulations from everyone in the LOST Team to all pupils and Mrs Mackie for their hard work and much deserved Awards. We look forward to seeing you continue onto the next stage of your John Muir Award by working to an Explorer Award.