The next Parent Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 7.30pm in Kilmarnock Academy .
All parents/carers are welcome.
Kilmarnock Academy PC Agenda 2nd February 2016
by Mrs Armstrong
The next Parent Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 7.30pm in Kilmarnock Academy .
All parents/carers are welcome.
Kilmarnock Academy PC Agenda 2nd February 2016
by Mrs Armstrong
The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been working with Skills Development Scotland as part of the programme of work underway in Developing the Young Workforce. We are pleased to have produced some tailored information for parents, as part of our successful “in a nutshell” series, which covers the new Careers Education Standard launched at SLF 2015. This new nutshell will supply parents with basic information about the initial role of this programme in schools and signpost them to where they can get some more information if they need it. This nutshell has been produced in hard copy with one for each child in primary, secondary and ASN schools and deliveries will start w/c 11-1-16. We would be very grateful if you could ask your schools to make sure it reaches parents through “pupil post” but also to publicise the nutshell link to our website through all the channels they use to communicate with them. We would also hope that it could be used at parent events, subject choice evenings etc. The link to the nutshell on the NPFS website is
by Mrs Armstrong
Visit to our business partner Premier Inn, Newton Mearns – Tuesday 8th December 2015
Two managers hosted the visit – Colin and Julie.
We were shown a video made for the workforce to inspire and encourage their performance.
Premier Inn policy for evaluating potential in employees is as follows:
CURIOSITY wanting to find things out, how to do things
DRIVE personal ambition
INSIGHT able to learn fast – process data
COURAGE have an inner confidence, can take on different challenges, make decisions
IMPACT emotional and social intelligence, cares about people
Premier Inn which is a part of Whitbread, is 8th in the top 10 of British companies to work for. Workers (between 40 and 50K employees) get discount cards, can buy discounted shares.
There are apprenticeships and graduate entry programmes. Fast track training in 12 months. Businesses find recruitment time consuming and expensive.
Both the managers came to hospitality from elsewhere. 4 years ago Julie was a housekeeper in Newton Mearns, now she is the manager at East Kilbride. Colin has a degree in Engineering design but worked in hospitality while completing his studies. He is the manager at Ayr.
Premier Inn open a new hotel every week. They have hotels in the Middle East and are about to open apart/hotels in Germany. There is a HUB hotel in London with one about to open in Edinburgh. They are designed for business people.
A business such as Premier Inn is successful but they strive to improve all the time – this a pressure, particularly for managers.
KA pupils (Employability and Business) got a mock interview and feedback – a valuable experience for all concerned.
by Mrs Hyslop
Dear Parent/Carer
We have had a great first term and are very much looking forward to the Christmas holidays and an exciting 2016 at Kilmarnock Academy.
There have been a lot of activities and successes this year both in attainment and wider achievement. I know you will be proud of the school’s success which reflects positively on you as parents and the pupils who are impressive, without exception.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the invaluable support you have given the staff over the course of the year and in particular to myself since August – it is very much appreciated. We, as a partnership, will continue to take the school forward as we strive for excellence. The future at Kilmarnock Academy is in safe hands and it is exciting times to be involved in our school.
Whilst I commend this newsletter to you there are also many ways to keep in touch with what is happening at Kilmarnock Academy. You can find up to date information on our school blog at which I would encourage you to check on a regular basis. We also have a new Kilmarnock Academy Twitter account where there are instantaneous posts on our school activity. This can be found @KilmarnockAcad, again I would ask that you please follow this to keep abreast of school matters.
We have a couple of Christmas events coming up very soon. Our fantastic Christmas Concert is on 16th December at 7pm in the Assembly Hall. Tickets can be purchased from the Music Department or at the school reception. We also have a ‘Christmas Jumper’ day on Friday the 18th December where pupils can wear their Christmas jumpers for a £1 donation with proceeds going to charity.
Finally, I would like to wish you and your family all the best over the festive period.
Christmas Closure
Kilmarnock Academy will close on Wednesday 23rd December at 2.30 pm. The Academy will re-open at 8.44 am on Thursday 7th January.
by Mrs Hyslop
New heading been created re information about the new school.
Click on link for December 2015 update.
by Mrs Armstrong
by Mrs Armstrong
The S4 team of Craig Denim, Jack Mains and Scott Mains (Smart Art) had a very successful idea with their “wordle” which they made and sold in order to create funds for Wild Hearts, a charity which helps under-priveleged people in the developing world. Their idea was well received by both pupils and members of staff – anyone who placed an order was very happy with their final product. The team were very passionate about running their business and helping a good cause and those less fortunate than themselves. Well done team Smart Art!!
by Mrs Armstrong
S1 Dominoes Tournament
The final of the S1 dominoes tournament was held on Wednesday December 9th. This was the culmination of several weeks of competition with the 7 best players from each of the 4 S1 Maths classes competing against one another for the top prize.
S2 pupils from Mr McClurg’s S2 Admin class were hosting the event, and a very good job they did. (Special mention to Alex Cree for his very impressive “loud” voice!).
The overall winner for S1 was Euan Rutherford while Chloe Scott had the lowest score of all the S2 pupils. Congratulations to them both.
Well done to everyone who took part, and not just in the final, and a massive thanks to Mrs Hamilton, Mr McClurg and all the S2 hosts for the excellent organisation.
by Mrs Armstrong
See below timetables for National 5 and Higher prelims. National 4 levels will be assessed during class time.
National 5 prelim timetable 2016 – S4
by Mrs Armstrong
The development and implementation of Glow as a single online educational platform continues at Kilmarnock Academy. Resources have primarily been targeted to the Senior Phase and are we are now exploring our options within the Broad General Education. As a result, all S1, S2 and S3 pupils have now undergone training to ensure that they are able to access email, Subject Sites and OneDrive on Glow. Pupils can also download a copy of Microsoft Office at home for free via Glow! Should pupils need a reminder of their username or a password change, please speak to a member of staff who can assist, or point you in the right direction. As a reminder of login procedures and the initial setup, the step-by-step lesson plan can be found by accessing the link below.
Getting started with Glow @ Kilmarnock Academy