Kilmarnock Academy

Keeping you up to date with information and events in Kilmarnock Academy

Improvement Plan Priorities

Priority : Improving Learning and Teaching
School’s current position. Very good progress is being made in extending our methodology and in improving our approaches to ensuring progression in learning for all. A developmental model for lesson observation has been agreed whereby teachers will observe and learn from one another . We are in the process of finalising an IT solution to Personal Learning Planning.

What we will do now.

  • Ensure a consistent approach to course planning to include course outlines, learning intentions/outcomes, timelines, assessment strategies and assessment calendar. This will be shared with students
  • Assessment will be used to inform progression in learning (AiFL strategies) in all classes
  • All PTs will write a yearly evaluation of the quality of learning and teaching and areas for improvement
  • Observation Strategy will be implemented
  • We will embed a consistent approach to seeking student views on learning and teaching
  • Tapestry Group will consult with staff and build approaches to support and reflect upon professional reading
  • Agree on a single platform to support learning (eg Glow 2) including personal learning plans (Learner Journey)
  • We will continue to focus on and evaluate impact of embedding literacy/numeracy outcomes across the school. Best writing will be appended to S1 student diaries
  • We will agree a whole skills framework and evidence this in our teaching
  • We will ensure that WTA is used to manage workload, support professional learning and work-life balance, by
    • Supporting Networking within the school
    • Supporting Networking with colleagues outwith the school
    • Supporting Professional reading
  • Outcomes of observation strategy and PRD process will inform the focus and delivery of CPD

Quality Statement/Targets
1. All departments will have systems in place to monitor, track and support students’ progression in learning.
2. All teachers will demonstrate planning for effective learning and provide high quality feedback to students on their progression.
3. All students will know their views are sought and acted upon.
4. All teachers will reflect and share insights on professional reading to inform practice.
5. All departments will utilise agreed platform for learning.
6. Appropriate Literacy/Numeracy outcomes referred to in all course plans including greater use of extended writing, presentations and structured debate in all subjects.
7. Clear definition of skills to be developed evident in all course plans.
8. All colleagues recognise the importance of, and engage readily in CPD activity.

Priority : Improving our Curriculum
School’s current position. Very good progress is being made in evolving our Curricular model for both BGE and senior phase, rationale written to underpin and support these. These will be reviewed year on year as our CfE embeds. National Qualifications are in the process of being implemented and all staff are involved in developing new courses to support these.
What we will do now.

  • All PTs review all courses to ensure consistent application of design principles
  • Networking opportunities supported to enable staff to share/inform practice
  • New courses and awards explored to meet the needs of all learners (HWB Award, Leadership Award, Skills for Work Awards)
  • Curriculum is further developed to ensure coherence and progression in learning. Es and Os used to provide well-planned and joined up learning across curriculum areas and subjects
  • Investigate further links with Kilmarnock College in building vocational experiences
  • Review use of the additional period in years 1, 2, 3 and 5/6.
    Continue to improve transition and collaboration with primary colleagues
  • Best writing from P7 to be included in student planner
  • Departments have a clear and demonstrable strategy for informal reinforcing across all courses
    Skills for life, learning and work clearly defined and applied in all courses to maximise the benefits of qualifications design with an increased emphasis on depth and application of learning, skills development, including higher order thinking skills, with increased personalisation and choice and learning through relevant real life contexts.

Quality Statement/Targets
1. Agreed Curriculum rationale fully implemented Curriculum rationale, options forms, examination results,
2. All departments review and update courses in light of implementation of Nationals.
3. All students able to access an appropriately challenging curriculum
4. Transition projects in all associated primaries
5. Greater evidence of connecting learning across the school
6. All departments evidencing integration of literacy and numeracy

Priority : Improving our approaches to supporting Students
School’s current position. Very good progress is being made to ensure we are an inclusive school. We work well with a variety of partner agencies to support students. Support for Learning is successful in supporting students access the curriculum. Connect has evolved a wide range of strategies to enthuse those vulnerable to exclusions, and will also provide pastoral support to Looked After Students. Guidance also deliver PSE and curricular and vocational guidance, and have an oversight of each student’s attainment. There is now a need to build greater integrated approaches and a single model of delivery.

What we will do now.

  • An Integrated Support Strategy will be developed which will describe the roles and responsibilities of all staff in meeting learners’ care, welfare and learning needs within the context of our agreed values
  • Integrated Team meetings will be timetabled on a monthly basis
  • Guidance Team meetings will be initiated and meet on a fortnightly basis
  • We will formalise evaluation of partnership working in meeting additional needs
  • We will actively seek and record the views of parent and students in reviewing the quality of delivery and provide access to effective complaints procedures should the need arise
  • We will continue to evolve our assessment and provision for “vulnerable learners”
  • We will revise PSE programmes in line with Es and Os and build in Authority HWB targets, Rights Respecting School and Mentors Against Violence Programmes

Quality Statement/Targets
1. All staff deliver on key responsibilities.
2. Joint plans of support to include students emerge from integrated meetings.
3. Parents have a positive view re partnership with the school.
4. PSE programmes receive positive student evaluation.

Priority : Improving communication across the school

School’s current position. Very Good progress has been made in building positive partnerships across our school community. We will continue to improve our communication to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students.

What we will do now.

  • Continue to develop a consistent and effective approach for the flow of information in all aspects of the life and work of the school. This will include
    All Departments have systems in place to communicate and share information
  • Standard agenda for DMs.
  • Staff representative will sit on SMT on a rota basis (Monday PM)
  • JCC will meet with head teacher on a monthly basis to discuss areas for improvement
  • Short Term Working Group will explore and agreed platform to aid effective communication i.e. GLOW
  • All staff use agreed IT systems including Seemis, thereby minimising bureaucracy and improving efficiency
  • Continue to ensure that the student and parent voice are a key part of our improvement planning process at subject and whole school level
  • Ensure parental and student representation on Parent Council

Quality Statement/Targets
1. Positive relationships will be evidenced across the school community
2. GLOW will be used positively by all staff & students to raise standards
3. All departments seek student views re quality of learning and teaching
4. Parents will feel more involved in their child’s progress

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