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John Muir Family Outdoor Day

What a brilliant day we had for our whole school John Muir Outdoor Day.  Thank you to every single parent, carer and family member who turned out to help make our day a huge success. Each house took part in four fantastic activities,  including  den building, litter picking, gardening and making bird feeders.

Our John Muir Committee have worked hard this session to make sure that all of our Outdoor Days have been valuable for the children and community.  As a school we have explored, discovered and conserved the school and local area as part of the four challenges of the John Muir Award.  To find out more about the award click the link:

A special thanks to Catrine Community Action Plan, Timbermills and Tesco for supporting our day with various donations.

Keep your eyes peeled for information on our final Outdoor Day in May!

Committee Day

Our committee had a busy day preparing for the whole school John Muir Day next month (April 24th). We created posters and invites as well as arranging who will be doing what. It’s set to be a fantastic day so keep you eyes peeled for more information.

Committee Day

We made the most of the beautiful frosty weather and got outside to explore. We collected ice from the playground and decided to use water paints on them. It created lots of lovely colours when the sunlight hit them.

We also chatted about the last John Muir Day and what went well and what we might add next time. Everyone loved the picture bingo and got very creative.

John Muir Day 2 – Avalon

Avalon had great fun yesterday exploring the village for their second John Muir Day. The ‘John Muir Committee Group’ had organised a fun scavenger hunt and photo bingo task for us to complete. For the scavenger hunt we had to find a pine cone, autumn leaves, acorns, conkers and sticks/twigs. We were delighted to find them all!

For the photo bingo task we had to make our way around Catrine to get a House photo at each place on our bingo board. We had to get a photo in the woods, by the water, in a shelter, at the park, with an animal, with flowers, at the square and in a special place. We chose the nursery as our special place as it brings back lots of memories for us.

It was a fantastic morning!

John Muir Day – Marneil

For our second John Muir Outdoor Day, Marneil had lots of fun  completing a nature scavenger hunt. The pupils enjoyed exploring their local environment and were able to find pine cones, leaves, acorns and sticks.

They also enjoyed participating in photo bingo. All pupils took pictures with different things in their outdoor environment such as in the woods, by the water, with an animal and much more!

The pupils picked the woods as their special place as they had so much fun playing there with other members of their house.

John Muir Day – Avalon

Avalon were exploring the River Ayr area for their John Muir Day yesterday. We started off by discussing the good things about the area and things that could be improved. The children liked that there were benches to sit on and some great trees that they could climb. We spotted a heron in the water and even saw a man trying to catch some fish!

The children felt that there could be more bins in the area for people to put their rubbish in and that there could be some tables for people to stop and enjoy a picnic as it is such a beautiful place.

We had great fun exploring the area! We found lots of different types of leaves, some wild mushrooms and even some slugs. We made some casts of leaves and other natural objects that we found and worked together in small groups to make boats from natural objects which we set sail on the river.

It was a fantastic day!

Marneil John Muir Day

Marneil went to explore the area around the Monument. We had some great discussions about why this area is important and well looked after.

Some people found it quite a challenging walk to the monument and noticed that some of the steps were broken on the way up. A few members of our group think that it would be a good idea to have some bins installed at the top to ensure that people can bin their litter.

We walked from the monument along to the woods and collected lots of natural materials to make our very own natural material mobiles. We spent a bit of time sheltered in the woods creating these before walking back to the school.

Have a look at some of our wonderful creations.

John Muir Day – Ayrbank

We went to explore the Voes for our John Muir day and discussed what we liked and what we could improve.

Here are some things we liked:

I like the leaves and all the tall plants. It’s really calm. Harper

I like when the ducks quack.  Jenna

I like nature, it’s nice and calming. – Kacey

Here are some things we would like to improve:

We could have more benches.

We could put posters up to encourage people to pick up dog mess.

There could be some bins.

We then made made natural paintbrushes using sticks and leaves and experimented using these to make colourful pictures.