PE Star of the Month


Well done to Colton in P1 who was won the PE Star of the Month award for May. He has displayed outstanding effort during his Target Games block ⛳️He was presented his award from the Chair of the Sports Committee Lucas at assembly.

Sports Day Extravaganza

What a day! Our new look Sports Day continues to be a huge hit. This is our third year of the revamp, which allows pupils to be active for the duration. P4-7 have  four rotations  and P1-3 have three rotations. We would like to thank all our parent helpers, volunteers, sport leaders and staff for making this such an incredible experience for our young people. Everybody was just fantastic in their roles – a real team effort #goteamjimmy

The scores have been collated from upper and lower sports and was announced at assembly earlier today. Congratulations to the Blue House who have came out on top and will awarded the House Shield at Prize Giving.

Mr Shaw was extremely proud to win the Dads race lol 😂  although he is a bit sore today 🫣



Kay Park Bowling

Primary 6 have been enjoying a 4 week block of bowls at the Kay Park Bowling Club. We would like to thank the club for this experience and the parents that have supported the walking bus to and from the venue. We hope to at some of the 6s are able to go on and join the club also. 🙌


Both boys and girls p5-7 football clubs are now finished for the session, both clubs have been at full capacity (30/30) for the session.

Well done to al the girls who went along to the ‘girls only’ cricket club through May, provided by Kilmarnock Cricket Club, we hope that some of you enjoyed it enough to go along and join the club outside of school.

P3s are invited along to join the Multi-sports after school club for the month of June.

Additionally, the P6’s have now finished their Sports leader training and will be delivering a lunch time club to P1 and P2 on a Monday and Tuesday.

Good news for next term. We now have two parents recruited to deliver soft archery and Taekwondo as an after  school club. If you feel you could deliver a 4-week block in any sport please get in touch with Mr Shaw via the school office.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our pupils, staff, parents and volunteers for their help in delivering clubs in school. Awesome job!

Intra House Potted Sports

Well done to all the pupils for giving their all in the Intra House Potted Sports competition. The winners will be announced at Assembly on Monday. That’s the pupils now had all 3 of their Intra House competitions. The 3 areas will make up 3 of the rotations next week for Sports Day and the pupils have also now all been put into heats for the flat/themed races.  We are all good to go!

P4-7 Sports Day will be from 9.30- 11.45

P1-3 Sports Day will be from 1.00-2.45

Hope to see everyone there and as always get limbering up for that all important parents race! 🙌

Intra House Football

Congratulations to the Blue House who came out victors in our annual  Intra House Football competition, winning 500 tokens for their House. Well done to our P7 Sports leaders who were excellent coaches and referees for the younger classes.

Physical Education – Outdoor/adventurous

Primary 7 have been doing extra PE this term and getting out into our local green spaces (Kay and Dean Park) piloting elements of the outdoor/adventurous part of the curriculum. They have been doing scavenger hunts, den building and orienteering. This has proved to be very popular with the pupils and next year they will buddy up with younger classes to enjoy the same experience. A huge thanks to all our parent helpers who helped support this initiative – it would not have been possible without them!