Here are the new Sports Committee for Session 23/24. We have representatives from P4-7, including our Gaelic Classes. Debbie Murdoch from the Parent Council has also joined the Committee and we appreciate her hard work on sourcing and applying for possible funding opportunities. As always our Active Schools Coordinator Faye Meikle will play a crucial role in sourcing volunteers and building pathways with local clubs to provide further opportunities for pupils. If you feel you would could help with any after school clubs please contact Mr Shaw at the school.


Hey folks, we would like to welcome everyone back to session 2023/24 and an action packed year ahead in PE, Physical Activity and School Sport as we pursue our Gold Award with Sport Scotland. I would like to start by congratulating the pupils at the end of last session on their 4-3 victory in the Pupils V Teachers Football Match. It was a great end to the session!

The new Sports Committee has now been established and they have already gone about gathering info on the clubs they would like for this session.  They also felt that the school football clubs for girls and boys should be extended to P5 to allow pupils to develop at a younger age.  The clubs will begin this week with the P5-7 Girls on a Monday and the P5-7 Boys on a Tuesday.  Watch this space for all future info on clubs that we will be running!