This term, we will be reading ‘There’s a Viking in my Bed’ by Jeremey Strong. This will run alongside our IDL on Vikings. We will continue developing our comprehension skills using the 6 comprehension strategies and we will continue developing our answers to literal and inferential questions.
Pupils will also be encouraged to read for enjoyment, participating in ERIC (Everyone Reading In Class) time.
This term we will be exploring explanation writing. Pupils will look at a question and set out to explain the answer to the question via their writing. This writing will link closely with topics covered in our Extreme Earth science lessons and our Viking IDL.
Pupils will continue to explore Active Spelling strategies using Stage 4/5 of the SAC OCTOPUS programme.
Numeracy and Maths
This term we will be exploring:
- Addition and subtraction using the formal written method
- Times Tables
- Multiplication of 2/3 digit numbers by 1 digit
- Division of 2/3 numbers with and without remainders
- Grid references/co-ordinates in 1 quadrant
We will also continue to develop our mental arithmetic by taking part in daily ‘Number Talk’ sessions with a focus on subtraction strategies.
Health and Wellbeing
Our focus this term in HWB will be sexual health. This will be conducted in line with the RSHP framework. Mrs McMullan will also do an input on substance misuse with a focus on alcohol.
Physical Education
In PE, we will be improving our possession games skills. We will work on these by participating in sessions of:
- Basketball
- Netball
We will explore Vikings this term. Some key areas we will look at are:
- Where did the Vikings come from?
- Where and why did they invade?
- Viking timelines
- Longships
- Life as a Viking – food, clothes, trade
- Viking warriors and weapons
- Were the Vikings raiders or settlers?
- Viking Gods and Goddesses
- Myths and legends
Pupils will also participate in individual and group research projects, encouraging them to lead their own learning and to build on cooperative learning skills.