Homework – wb 29.1.24


This week for literacy, we are going to consolidate our learning about non-fiction texts. Pupils should pick a non-fiction text and complete the ‘Graphic Organiser’ worksheet for their chosen book. Worksheets have been provided.


Pyramids and Cylinders – Pupils have been learning about decimals. This weeks homework is to show their understanding of adding and subtracting decimals (tenths). Worksheet (H41 and H42) can be found below and should be completed in the yellow homework jotter.

H41 and H42

ZThis weeks homework is to show understanding of adding and subtracting decimals (hundredths). Worksheet can be found below and should be completed in the yellow homework jotter.

Decimals – Hundredths

Spheres – This week pupils have been working on consolidating learning of multiplication tables. Pupils should complete R11 worksheet which has been provided.

Cubes – Place value to 100 worksheet.



Homework – wb 15.1.24

This weeks homework will consist of 1 numeracy task and the literacy homework will be to learn our Scots poem ‘Mrs Nae Offence’.

Pupils will perform this poem on Thursday 25th January as part of our Burns Celebration and 3 pupils will also be picked to compete in our annual Burns Competition.


Pyramids and Cylinders – Complete H35 and H36 in yellow jotter.

Spheres – Complete ‘Stained Glass Fractions’ worksheet.

Cubes – Complete ‘Stained Glass Fractions’ (halves and quarters) worksheet.

H35 H36


Learn ‘Mrs Nae Offence’ by Gregor Steele.

We cry her Mrs Nae Offence –
That’s whit she likes tae say,
Afore sayin somethin awfie,
Then heidin on her way.
“Nae offence, but see yon skirt ye bocht,
It maks ye look gey fat.”

“Nae offence, ye’re like a standard lamp
When ye wear yir new blue hat.”
“Nae offence, but see yir perfume,”
She whitters like a doo,
“It minds me o thae yellae cubes
Ye get in a laddies’ loo.”
“Nae offence, but see yir hairdo,
Ye must hae been a mug
Tae fork oot twenty quid for that –
Ye look like a Pekingese dug.”
It fell upon ma granny
Tae pit her in her place.
Gran skelped her wi a brolly, sayin, “
Nae offence, but shut yir face.”