Literacy & Language
In Term 2 we will be continuing to learn our phonemes and spelling words. We will be working hard to write independently, our teachers will be encouraging us to ‘have a go’ using the phonemes we know. We will also start to read our Dandelion Decodable reading books.
Numeracy & Maths
This term, we will be exploring numbers to 20. We will learn what each number represents, how to write the numbers and how to sequence numbers. We will also investigate and explore how to measure the length and weight of everyday items.
Health & Wellbeing
We will be exploring friendships and the themes of fair and unfair, caring and sharing. We will also investigate the importance of passwords as part of our cyber resillience learning. As Bonfire night is coming up, we will learn about firework safety.
When we are at PE, we will be developing our ball skills using basketball and netball equipment.
Interdisciplinary Learning
Our topic for this term is ‘People Who Help Us’. We will be learning about the people in our community who help to look after us and the jobs that they have.