Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

May 9, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Monday 9th May P2/1

Hello, I hope you managed to enjoy a lovely weekend and hope the sun will soon return. We have a busy week ahead learning about ‘Cool in school’ and we will be looking at magnetism. Here is some of the work we are covering in language and maths:


Nemo – key words to focus on to support our reading and writing are:

their some then last

plus, phoneme diagraphs  ue

Dory – key words for this week :

play no look

plus, phoneme diagraph ue

Games that you can engage in to support learning the words and phonemes are outlined below:

spot the word in your books

count the phonemes you see in your reading book or in your favourite stories.

Play eye spy

Go on a scavenger hunt to find things that begin with the phoneme

Write your words backwards

Make a pairs game for all your read and write words that you got home with your reading book



This week we are beginning to develop awareness of counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s

as repeated addition and the introduction of multiplication.


  1. Counting forwards and backwards in 2s
  2. Counting in 5s
  3. Counting in 10s
  4. Making Equal Groups
  5. Doubles numbers to a total of 10 mentally – partitions numbers equally and not equally – recognises it doesn’t affect the total
  6. Make equal Groups – grouping items equally in smaller groups
  7. Make equal Groups – Sharing out items equally in smaller groups
  8. Introduction of Repeated addition of equal groups – show addition and multiplication formats together X meaning groups of


Also look out for all our activities on Education City. Remember you can do activities more than once to reinforce your previous learning .

Please continue to read your reading books and practise your read and write words from your word lists too.

Thanks for your continued support.


Have fun week.

Mrs Carey.



May 6, 2022
by Mrs Johnstone

P7J Personal Research Projects – May 2022

Research is well underway for the P7 personal projects.

Pupils have spent time in class gathering notes on their chosen subjects and now have time to complete their research and written projects at home.

Final projects are due in no later than Wednesday 25th May.

The success criteria can be found here:    Research Project

I can’t wait to read all the fabulous projects once they’re finished!

Good luck everyone!

May 5, 2022
by Mrs Campbell


This term is a very busy, please read the following information carefully.

We are delighted to be able to re-introduce some of our usual  events, particularly Sports day on Friday 10th June at 10.30am, Blair Park ( weather permitting)  and Prize Giving  on Tuesday 21st June at 9.30am, Hurlford Church. We hope you can join us on these dates !

P5 and P6 will perform ‘Aladdin’ on Friday 20th May, 22 at the Community Centre. There are 2 performances : 3.30pm and 7pm. Our pupils  and staff have worked very  hard on this project over the session, in conjunction with Scottish Opera. They are AMAZING!! Tickets go on sale from 9th May for the  school community. Tickets are available from the main office £2.50. Please feel free to bring along members of the wider community. 

Please note Parent/Carer appointment e-forms will be sent to you  via the app in due course. An appointment slip will be sent home prior to your appointment confirming your telephone call time.

Trip payments  can be made on  Parent pay. Please pay as soon as possible. Any issues,  please contact the main office.



April 29, 2022
by Miss Frew

P7F Week Beginning 25.4.22

Happy Friday! Here is what we’ve been up to this week in p7F.



This week we have focused on telling the time.

We have been looking at analogue clocks with five minute intervals and are continuing to work on our understanding. We have also been learning how to multiply 2/3 digit numbers by 1 digit and will also be continuing this next week.


We have explored themes this week and have really enjoyed discussing novels and movies with specific themes.

This has been useful information as we started our class novel, Divided City. This has grabbed our attention and has many interesting themes.


This week we enjoyed some STEM with Miss Steedman and had to design an experiment that could sent into space!

We have been discussing the benefits of exercise and its effects on the body for HWB.

We have also been practising for our sports championships which we will be completing next week.

We are also excited to do rugby training on Fridays.

Thank you for reading our blog, have a nice long weekend!



April 29, 2022
by Mrs Miller

P3/2 29th April

We’ve had another great week in p3/2!

Here are some photos of our outdoor learning session last Friday afternoon. It was great to be outside in the sun but the wind played havoc with some of our resources!!


We have been learning about data handling this week in Numeracy. We talked about our favourite colours and flavours of ice cream and sorted the class answers into pictograms. We went on to learn about counting in 5’s using tally marks.

We then talked about ordinal numbers and did some work on these. The children found it tricky to remember the notations for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. All the ‘th’ ones were easier.

We went back to data handling in the middle of the week and have learned about Carroll diagrams for sorting. The children were good at suggesting their own criteria for sorting in a range of ways.

Then we learned about Venn diagrams, another way to sort!


In literacy this week, we have continued using our new reading books in class. The children are engaging very well with these and are enjoying the stories and the challenges of the follow up tasks. They are all getting very good at using the book to help them find and prove an answer to a question.

This afternoon, we are going to write some imaginative stories with an ‘Under the sea’ theme so hopefully we can share some with you next week.

The Apples and Bananas groups have been learning words that end with le this week. Some of these have been quite challenging but the children have been able to suggest lots of words with the sound and have worked hard on spelling them.



We are all enjoying working on the colours in French. Here is a song you could listen to with your child if you’d like to learn them too!

French Colour Mat | Teaching Ideas

We have been working on shapes and jumps in gymnastics. The children have been very enthusiastic about using the equipment and also very brave! We will be working on various rolls and balances in the next couple of weeks.


We are coming to the end of our Ocean topic. There is still so much we could learn but we have also covered a lot of information. I’ve been very impressed with the children’s recall of Ocean names, facts and drawings of coastlines this week.

Hopefully the children have all started their homework challenge to create a shoebox diorama of an under the sea scene. If they need anything from school to make it, they’ve just to ask. (paint/pipe cleaners etc) Here is an example:

Underwater Diorama Craft - Super Simple


Having planted Kale seeds, and hoping to grow a decent crop over the summer, we looked at some kale from the supermarket and made a delicious kale smoothie. The children all did well to taste it and the majority of the class enjoyed it. Well done to them all for trying something new! If you want to make it at home, we blended a handful of kale, a banana, some frozen tropical fruit with some milk, water and a splash of maple syrup!

Have a great long weekend everyone! See you on Tuesday!

April 29, 2022
by Miss Baillie

P4 – Week beginning: 25.4.22

Hello Primary 4 🙂

We have had another bust week in Primary 4.

In literacy, we have been working on our reading skills, writing instructions to make our favourite sandwiches and learning about compound words.

In numeracy, we have been learning a new subtraction strategy. We found this strategy was quite tricky at first but now we are feeling more confident using it to help us subtract. We have also been exploring patterns.

We have been using our technology skills to create a PowerPoint slide to create a display on our knowledge of dried fruit: where and how it is made. We have had lots of fun exploring the fonts/background styles for the PowerPoint slide. Primary 4 don’t know this yet but next week, we are going to use raisins to make yummy oatmeal raisin cookies! 🙂

Have a lovely long weekend everyone 🙂

Miss Baillie & Mrs Ferguson

April 29, 2022
by Mrs Carey

Tuesday 3rd May P2/1

Good morning, I hope you all enjoyed a lovely long relaxing weekend. I can’t quite believe that we are now in May and our final term.

Last week we were still busy looking at money in particular thinking about what coins and notes we use, how we get money, what we use money for – our needs and wants!! This week we will be looking at how to budget  and save. As well as all this, if you could possibly look at coins and notes with your children and play little games. Exchanging coins for example how many 2p coins make 10p coin.

Starfish could look at exchanging to 50p and change from 50p

Octopus could exchange to 20p and change from 20p

We will be looking at giving change in class and if you have a collection of 1p coins at home this would be really useful to help reinforce giving change and checking change. It’s always good to count on to give change using 1p coins, like shopkeepers would have done in the past.

I have 20p and buy a comic at 15p so how much change would I receive? I would then count on from 15 and place 1p in your child’s hand till they have 5 pennies change. Thanks for your assistance with this.

In addition, I have also put 2 games on Education City to support some maths going on in class. They are:

Hang Tenths and Bumper Cars.


Language this week:

common word and phonemes covered are :

Nemo –  very, took, fast, there     diagraph aw

Dory –  law, paw, draw, straw       diagraph aw

Please also try the Education City games

Canopy Clues and Make a Wish

For topic this term we are looking at planting seeds and looking after them and where some food comes from and farming.

Thanks, as always for your continued support and I look forward to speaking to you over the course of the next 2 weeks.

Mrs Carey

April 29, 2022
by User deactivated

P1L and Mrs Cuthbertson – Friday 29th April 2022

Good morning!

We have had another busy week making whales (for wh), 2D shape pictures and birthday messages for the Queen. The children have become really creative and make things completely on their own now. The never fail to amaze me.



We have started to learn all about People Who Help Us and are focusing on the emergency services. The children love Art Hub on you Tube and selected a Police Officer art lesson. The results were fantastic.


We have been continuing with addition and subtraction and the children select their own strategies to help. Their favourite things are jewels and boards, bead strings, cubes and pegs.

Next week is a shorter week. Remember we are off on Monday and Thursday as this is an in-service day for teachers.

Literacy – we will continue to consolidate ch, sh, th, wh and some initial sounds. We will continue to develop our storywriting skills and will explore words that rhyme.

Numeracy – We will continue with addition and subtraction and will consolidate 3D shape.

Topic – investigating the roles of the emergency services and the equipment they need.

Our Gym time will now return to a Monday for the rest of the term and we will be taking part in gymnastics using a range of large and small equipment.

The weather has been good, and although the temperature is slightly down at 15 degrees, our children are definitely feeling it more like 20 degrees! They very quickly take off jackets and jumpers in the playground then forget to bring them back in. Most jumpers are easily returned as names are on them. Please remember to put names on jumpers and cardigans to ensure your child gets theirs back

Finally, I am looking forward to taking to you on parents night so don’t forget to make your appointment.

Have a fantastic long weekend.

Mrs Cuthbertson xx


April 29, 2022
by Miss Frew

Special Announcement!

P5 and P6 would like to invite you to a whole new world!

Come and join us for our performance of Aladdin. Tickets will be on sale from the school office a cost of £2.50.

  • P5 and P6 can buy tickets from Tuesday 3rd May.
  • General sale will be available from Tuesday 10th May.

There will be two performances which will both take place at Hurlford Community Centre on the 20th May. Performance times are as follows:

  • 3:30-4:15pm
  • 7-7:45pm

Click the link below for a sneak preview of what to expect, we hope to see you there!



April 29, 2022
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 25.04.22

Primary 6 have had a busy week and are looking forward to the long weekend.

The focus in Numeracy this week was rounding whole numbers and decimals and estimating answers to calculations. We got the hang of it quite quickly and could remember the rules and processes.

In Literacy we were using prefixes to change the meaning of root words and we were working on non-chronological reports for our reading and writing focus.

For our new topic on Europe, we used atlases to identify Europe on a world map and to locate and label some European countries.  Did you know there are 50 countries in our continent? – that’s a lot to remember!

On Monday we had an exciting time at the Community Centre rehearsing our stage show Aladdin.  We all did really well and look forward to going back there soon.

P6  have been busy practising for the our Sports Championship Competition.  Yesterday we went outside for the ball throw and the standing long jump.  We will be practising the vertical jump and 100m sprints next time.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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