Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

March 28, 2023
by Mrs Campbell


As you will be aware we will stop using this app as our form of communication from Friday.

All future communication messages will come via our new Safer Schools Scotland App. wink

SaferSchools_Letter_parents_March (1)

The app gives empowering, current and informative information on current digital platforms/tools/apps in an accessible manner. Within the app there are different users. 

Please find below and attached details about how to download the app and set everything up:

Go to your app store or Google Play and search for ‘Safer School Scotland’
-Set up your account
-In the school field type ‘Hurlford Primary School’
– The code for ECC/Primary parent carers is 6262
To receive notifications we recommend enabling push notifications.



March 24, 2023
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – week beginning 20th March

Hello Primary 1 🙂

I hope you have all had a lovely week. We have been super busy and working very hard in Primary 1. Please click the image below for a snapshot of what we have been up to the last couple of weeks and what we are going to be doing this week.

Go to this Sway

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Baillie

March 24, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4F w/b 20.3.23

Happy Friday! We’re nearly at the end of term, it’s flown by!

We’ve had another busy week in P4F, here’s a peek at our week:

In Literacy, we have been continuing our work on our class novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and building upon our comprehension strategy skills. We used a variety of skills to complete some easter literacy challenges with Mrs Ferguson including rearranging word patterns and putting words into alphabetical order.

For Numeracy, we have continued to explore the concept of division and using different strategies to help us (number lines were popular!). We are looking at how to solve word problems and strengthening our knowledge of fact families which should help us with our assessment next week. We have also been looking at time and are becoming more confident in telling the time.

For RME we have been looking at the story of Easter and yesterday decorated some boiled eggs that represent the stones being rolled away from the opening of the tomb. Pupils had great fun and were creative with their designs!

In IDL, the class looked at the journey of chocolate and how far the cocoa beans have to travel before they are made into the chocolate bars we know and love. The class were then able to create a poster demonstrating what they had learned. We hope to finish them today. We also put our art skills to the test and created some colourful mugs filled with hot chocolate using chalk pastels. YUM!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Barclay and Mrs Ferguson x

March 24, 2023
by Mrs Carey

Primary 2 Friday 24th March

In literacy this week we have been learning about the diagraph qu and using construction and role play to build The Snow Queen a palace, enjoyed cosy quilts and made a maze to hide Snow White and the dwarfs from the Wicked Queen.  The children are gaining more confidence at making simple sentences and breaking and blending more complex words in their reading books.  At the moment we are still experiencing difficulty gaining  online access to the reading books from this scheme. Thanks for your support with reading and helping your child to gain confidence and fluency. The tricky words to revise this week are they, was we, you

In maths, this week we have played a fun subtraction from 20 game using  2 ten frames and counters. The children have now investigated and explored using  Numicon to make take away calculations, coat hangers and pegs and rods.  The children have had great fun applying their problem solving skills using the theme Goldilocks and the three bears exploring measure and volume.

As this is Food Fortnight for health and wellbeing we will have being exploring the children’s understanding of healthy eating. This has led us to examine where bananas come from and carrots. We have also looked at Fair trade and farming bananas.

Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and next week I’m asking the children to prepare a short talk about their favourite toy. Explaining where they keep it, why it is special, maybe who gave it to them,where they keep it and who they like to share it with?

Buzz Group children  – toy talks on Tuesday 28th

Woody Group children – Wednesday 29th

Jessie Group Children – Thursday 30th

Wishing you a lovely relaxing week ahead.

Go to this Sway

Mrs Carey








March 24, 2023
by Miss Frew

P5 Week Beginning 20.3.23

It’s almost the Easter holidays!

We have all worked so hard this term and are looking forward to a relaxing break. Here is what P5 got up to his week:

In literacy, we have focused on inference and making our own inferential questions. This has been challenging but we have worked really hard to improve our understanding. We also have been developing our cursive handwriting and are making good progress.

In maths, we have been continuing to learn our tables and have been working on the written method of multiplication. We all demonstrated our ability to multiply 2/3 digit numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and know the rule to help us. We will continue building on our understanding of multiplication next week.

In other areas, we performed at both Dance Fest and Scottish Opera this week and had a fabulous time! We are all really proud of our pupils hard work and determination and I’m sure you will agree that it all paid off! We also discussed internet safety this week and have been investigating how to keep ourselves safe online.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!

-Mrs McDonald x

Have A Good Weekend Images – Browse 9,419 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video  | Adobe Stock

March 24, 2023
by Ms Wilson

P6: week beginning 20th March 2023

It’s Friday again, what a quick week. Only one more week to go till the holidays!

P6 have been very busy again and are looking forward to a well earned rest. Here’s a summary of what we’ve been doing.

On Monday, for literacy we continued to develop our listening and talking skills by working with a partner to prepare a short speech. For spelling, we focused on Fair Trade vocabulary. In Numeracy we applied our knowledge and understanding of decimals and completed an assessment. In the afternoon we rehearsed two songs from the Lion King in preparation for the Dance Fest.

On Tuesday for maths we put our problem solving strategies to the test and for literacy we wrote eye – witness accounts to practise our chronological report writing. After lunch we had another run through of our Lion King songs then headed off to the Palace Theatre to take part in this year’s Dance Fest.

We had our second last skiing and tubing session on Wednesday and in the afternoon we focused on Time work in maths then enjoyed our outdoor WOW activities.

On Thursday we had a fantastic time at the Scottish Opera venue in Glasgow to perform our Lion King showcase. Firstly, we were given a tour of the building then had a quick rehearsal and sound check. After lunch we went on stage. Everyone did amazingly well. We enjoyed watching the other schools perform their Disney musical extracts.

Today as part of Fair Trade and Food Fortnight we learned all about coffee. We found out where coffee beans are grown, how to make a cup of coffee and we even got to paint a landscape with coffee!

Next week we’re going to be learning all about herbs and spices!

Enjoy your weekend.



March 24, 2023
by Miss Steedman

P4S w/c 20.3.23

Happy Friday Everyone,

It’s been another busy week in P4S where we have been completing multiplication and division assessments in Numeracy, using our strategies to help us.  We have also started to learn about Data Handling and how to gather and display data after taking a survey.  Next week, we will take this further and create our own surveys.  On Thursday, we spent our Numeracy lesson solving different problems which meant we had to think out of the box and work out which of our many amazing Numeracy skills to draw upon.  Some of the puzzles were quite challenging.

We had some fun using chalk to draw warm, cosy mugs of hot chocolate, it was messy but we all had fun and the colourful creations were a delight to behold.

In Literacy we wrote a piece of Persuasive Writing entitled ‘No More Homework’.  There were some interesting reasons and strongly worded opinions showing that the children have very persuasive skills indeed.

In RME we have been learning about the Easter Story and began by looking at What is Lent? and the story of Palm Sunday which we found really interesting.

It’s been a busy week and a relaxing weekend ahead is much needed by all.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Best wishes,

Miss Steedman

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