All posts by Mrs Bracher

Daily Activities – Friday 29th May

Its Friday!!!

Todays fun activities are for all ages and supports the development of the fine manipulative muscles within your hands and fingers and aids in hand-eye coordination.

Finger Painting!


See the source image

All you need are your fingers, some paints, containers for the paints and paper.

What shapes can you make? Can you mix the colours? What about extending this to handprints?

Our second activity is ball skills.

All you need is a ball and a person to play along. Can you throw and catch the ball? Roll it along the floor?

Finally, some Friday Fun…..dancing!

As always, have fun, enjoy and stay safe

Daily Activities – Thursday 28th May

Today’s activity is suitable for all ages.

What you need :

  • paint
  • tub
  • sponge
  • hair elastic or elastic band
  • paper

Pinch the sponge in the middle and wrap the hair elastic or elastic band around the centre.

Put the sponge into the paint and press onto the paper. Mix the colours and see what lovely butterflies you can make.

Let’s finish off with a Butterfly song!

Have fun and stay safe 🌈



Daily Activities- Wednesday 27th May!

It’s Wednesday and that means…..Bookbug!!

And a STEM Challenge too!

Preschool STEAM: Can You Mix Oil and Water?

The simplicity of this oil and water STEAM investigation is perfect for the three to five set.

oil and water mix

Will Oil and Water Mix?

Objective: Learn about why water and oil don’t mix, and to see if you can get oil and water to mix.

Materials: Jar with a tight lid, food coloring,cold water, cold oil, egg yolk.

Ask: Will oil and water mix? Children won’t know that oil and water typically don’t mix. They will be shocked at how the liquids separate after just a few seconds.

oil and water jar

Learn: Oil and water typically won’t mix. There are two reasons for this.

  1. Oil is less dense than water. In a glass 1/2 filled with water and 1/2 filled with oil, there are far more water molecules, which means the water will always drop to the bottom.
  2. Oil and water have different polarities. Water molecules are positive on one side and negative on the other. This causes water to stick to water. Oil is non-polar, and will only stick to non-polar molecules.

Plan: Ask your child if they think it is possible to mix oil and water. Maybe shaking the jar will mix the oil and water?

Experiment: Shake the jar to see if the water and oil will mix. It will mix temporarily, but your child will be fascinated to see that water and oil immediately start to separate.

Improve: Is there a way to get oil and water to mix? The key is to add an emulsifier that changes the molecular structure of the two molecule types. This is where the egg yolk comes into play. Drop the egg yolk into the jar and ask your child to shake the jar as hard as they can. The oil and water will mix!

STEAM Integration:

Science: Talk about how water and oil molecules are different. When the egg yolk is added, however, the oil and water are able to mix.

Technology: Take pictures of the process.

Engineering: Try different containers for oil and water. What happens if the jar lid is loose?

Art: Use food coloring to dye the water different colors.

Math: Measure the amount of oil and water in the jar. Will different amounts produce different results?

Have fun and stay safe 🌈