Nursery Rhyme Week!

This week, from the 11th-15th of November, we are celebrating Nursery rhyme week! Each day within the ECC we are singing a different nursery rhyme. Below is a list of the nursery rhyme for that day, why not practice at home and post a video on learning journals of you singing them!

Monday 11th November- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Tuesday 12th November- Old McDonald had a farm

Wednesday 13th November- The Big Ship Sails

Thursday 14th November- Incy Wincy Spider

Friday 15th November- Five Currant Buns


Children in Need

Hillbank ECC supports Children in Need (2)

Please join us on Wednesday 13th November for a colour Dash and a mud slide to help raise money for children in Need. Please pack an extra set of clothes as this can get very messy.

Also, we would love if you joined us on Friday 15th November in either wearing spots or your Pyjamas.

Thank you,

Team Hillbank

Stay and Play Sessions

Just a little reminder that this week we will be hosting some stay and play sessions within the ECC.

These will happen on-

Tuesday 29th October @ 9am-10am

Thursday 31st October @ 9am-10am

We hope to see as many of you along as possible!

Halloween Fun Day!

We will be having a little Halloween Fun day on Friday 25th October in the ECC. Children are welcome to come dressed up on this day as well but we do ask that children don’t wear any scary masks.

Thank you

Team Hillbank

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