All posts by Mrs Bracher

Friday fun- ice painting!

What you will need:

  1. water
  2. ice cube tray
  3. lolly sticks/teaspoons
  4. food colouring or paint
  5. put water into ice cube tray and add a drop of food colouring or paint. Mix this.
  6. place lolly stick or teaspoon into each section.
  7. freeze for about 4 hours.
  8. once ready, remove by pulling on spoon or stick
  9. hold them to paint!
  10. can you use the colours you found on your walk?
  11. wee warning……can stain!

Song Time!

Song Box

What you will need:
1. Shoe box.
2. Pencils, crayons, paints.
3. A selection of small toys or other objects – bath duck, small animal teddy, small car, small doll, spoon.

You could start by decorating your shoe box.
Put the objects into the box and close the lid.
Ask your child to put their hand into the box, with closed eyes, and choose an object.
Sing a song or rhyme that the object relates to:

• 5 little ducks

• Incy wincy spider

• Wheels on the bus

• Miss Polly had a dolly

• Hey diddle diddle are but a few.

You could download the Bookbug App, look on YouTube for rhymes or use any books you have at home.

Continue until all objects have been chosen.