Pre School Parents Information

Hillbank Early Childhood Centre

The first day at school

Transition – A positive start to school

Transition programmes usually run to introduce your child to their new learning environment of school and to meet with their teacher. Unfortunately, this year is unprecedented in that this cannot happen at the present time, however as you will be aware this can change. Any parent who submitted a placement request should have a letter with this information by 31st May 2020.

Transitions offer opportunities for children to learn how to manage change in a positive way, an important skill to develop for life in the 21st century. With this in mind, we will support you and your child’s transition in a virtual way with skills for your child to practice to give them the best possible start.

It is a good idea to make sure all your child’s clothes are clearly labelled. Labels can be purchased at any school wear shop.
Make sure your child knows who will take them to school and pick them up on the first day.( Make sure your child knows every day as this can be a source of worry to a child)
Lay out your child’s clothes the night before.
Help your child to pack their school bag, with a snack, drink and lunch if required.
Place a spare pair of underpants and clothes in a small plastic bag. Let your child know these clothes are in their bag in case there is any accidents.
At the end of the day talk to your child about school.
Water aids children’s concentration, it is a good idea to put in a small sports bottle with water so your child can have a drink.
Schools policy, if your child has pierced earrings or wears other jewellery they must be removed before gym.
Make sure your child has a good bed time routine, remember your child will be up early and will soon have a full day at school.
Things you can support your child with, in preparation for them starting school are:
• Getting dressed independently and putting on their shoes
• Putting on their coat and either buttoning or zipping to the top independently
• Good hygiene practices – recognising when to go to the toilet ,cleaning themselves and washing and drying their hands
• Eating with a knife and fork
• Waiting their turn to talk
• Using please and thank you
• Tidying away items that they have used.

For further information on transitions please visit