Daily Activities – Thursday!!

Can you draw or paint a picture of your favourite zoo animal?

Can you design a rock as your favourite zoo animal?

Song time!

Some Counting!

Remember you can email any pictures of your activities, any activities you are doing while at home…..the ladies would love to see what the children have been busy with!

Have fun and stay safe 🌈

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly!!

Chelsea has been exploring the life cycle of the Butterfly at home!

Stage 1:  The butterfly will lay her eggs onto a leaf.  These can be round, oval or cylindrical.

Stage 2: The caterpillar hatches and works on eating the plants so it can grow.

 Stage 3: The Caterpillar undergoes a process called metamorphosis, inside it’s chrysalis, where it is rapidly changing!!

Stage 4: The fully formed butterfly emerges, drying off it’s wings.  Whilst we waited for each of the butterflies to emerge, we fed them fresh orange.

Stage 5: We set them free!!


^^^ watch the release here!!

Daily Activities – Wednesday!

Book bug session!!!

Its Wednesday, so that means Book bug!

Today’s activity is…..bubbles!

Can you make bubbles by using washing up liquid?

  • 150ml  washing-up liquid
  • 350ml water
  • 2 teaspoons granulated or caster sugar
  • One measuring jug, 500ml or larger
  • One teaspoon
  • One stirrer (eg. fork, spatula, wooden spoon)
  • Bottle to store liquid (eg. used cola bottle, rinsed out)
  • Funnel to transfer liquid from jug to bottle


  • Pour 350ml water into measuring jug
  • Add 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • Mix until sugar is dissolved
  • Gently add 150ml  washing-up liquid
  • Stir gently until completely mixed (your aim is to combine the water and liquid whilst creating the minimum amount of froth- you do not want bubbles yet)
  • Remove any froth from the surface (using the spoon or stirrer)
  • Pour liquid into bottle using funnel; tilt the bottle and funnel whilst pouring to avoid frothing (froth will result in shorter lasting bubbles)
  • Liquid is usable straight away, but you will get longer lasting bubbles if you leave the liquid to stand for 6-12 hours (overnight)

We would love to see your activities!

Have fun!

Daily Activities – Tuesday!


Look through the binoculars, what animals can you see?
Note to parents and carers- this needs to be opened as a slideshow for the full experience! The slideshow tab is on the top bar.

Having seen different zoo animals, can you make one of your own?

Perhaps you have some cardboard tubes at home? You could colour them, use paint, glue, craft resources if you have them?

We would love to see your creations!

Finally, why not take a “trip” to the zoo? Follow the link below to visit the animals in Edinburgh Zoo. Can you find the animals from the story?


As always, stay safe and have fun!