Week 1 – Daily Challenges

Week 1:

All of these small challenges meet experiences and outcomes within the curriculum for excellence, which is the format for your child’s early learning and childcare.

They can be as easy or as elaborate as you wish….. the sky really is the limit. 

Day 1:  Go on a mini beast hunt in your garden.  What can you find? Can you find information on the beasts (use of the internet or possible books that you have) Draw the beasts?

Day 2:  Paint with your feet. What colours will you use? What shapes can you make?

Day 3: Create art with nature.  Can you collect sticks, leaves, stones and make a picture? Can you make a person?

Day 4: Learn about another country.  Have you visited another country? Where would you like to go? What about language and how other young people speak?

Day 5: Make a sofa fort.  Can you build a den with curtains, throw overs, duvets? What else could you use? What will you put inside?

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