Gloop Experiment

A Little Experiment!!

Solid or liquid???

You will need:

A container
A little water
A spoon

  1. pour a little water into the container
  2. add the cornflour a little at a time
  3. mix until you have a thick ‘mush’
  4. what happens when you put the spoon into the mush (it sinks)
  5. what happens if you hit the surface? Is is solid?
  6. touch it. What happens? The quicker you are, the more solid it will feel.
  7. knead it. What happens? It forms a ball. What happens if you stop? It becomes liquid again!!
  8. finally, can you drop a ball into the container? As it falls, what happens? It bounces and then sinks.

Science is amazing!!!!

One thought on “Gloop Experiment”

  1. We shall be going on our mini beast hunt! We have been a cycle today. We will be doing some work from my pack soon, too.
    John-James Bunten

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