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P1A P.E.

Just to update you on P.E. times for P1A. We have been allocated slots in the gym hall on Wednesdays and Fridays. We will still be doing P.E. outside when it is dry. On the set gym days we would appreciate it if your child could come to school wearing a white polo shirt and shorts underneath their skirt or trousers and bring trainers or gym shoes with them to school. Unfortunately we are unable to store gym kits in school. Thank you.

***BUG CLUB***

Just a wee reminder about Bug Club. Please remember to click on the bugs in the story and answer the question. Otherwise the book does not move into the virtual library and it does not come up on the teacher’s record as the book having been read. Thank you!

Week ending 30th October

It has been another busy week in P1A. Almost all of us have have logged into Bug Club our online reading programme which is great. Our new sounds were ‘c’, ‘k’ and ‘ck’. Practise making words at home with the sound cards. Our new common words were ‘we’, ‘can’ and ‘into’. In numeracy we are using Numicon, cubes and other resources to make number stories up to ten. We have been listening to lots of ‘Halloween’ stories and we particularly enjoyed ‘Room on the Broom’ in Scots. We had fun celebrating Halloween by doing lots of different activities. This week we also took home a Home Learning pack which will help support the work we are doing in class.

Week ending 23rd October

We have had another busy week albeit a shorter one. Our new sounds are d and e and our new words are did, as and he. We have been sharing fairy tales this week and retelling them in our own words. On Friday there will be information in the yellow diaries about Bug Club our online reading programme. Hopefully it is fairly self explanatory but any problems let us know.

News from P1A

We’ve had another busy week. We have been learning more sounds and common words. Please help us to go over them at home. Writing the common words can help us remember them. Today we sent home a sheet of ideas for developing fine motor skills and some finger gym ideas. It would be great if you could try out some of the ideas at home over the coming weeks.

I hope you all have a lovely holiday week. Stay safe.

Latest news from Primary 1A

We have had a busy few weeks in Primary 1A. Mrs Campbell is amazed at how well we are learning our sounds and our common words. This week has been a consolidation week of what we have learned so far. Keep practising the sounds and words regularly. We are making three letter words with our sound cards e.g. sat, sit,tap,pin. Please help us to do this at home. We are enjoying writing words as well. In numeracy we are exploring numbers to 20 and are beginning to add numbers together. We are practising writing numbers. This can be done at home too. We have been learning more about farming and this week we learned about the jobs on a farm and the story of a loaf of bread. We had a go at drawing a tractor. We have been thinking about autumn and painted autumn trees. We have also enjoyed the sunshine over the last few days. Yesterday we had lots of fun on the trim trail. Some of us are gaining confidence on the balance parts. When you are only 4 or 5 years old it can be tricky!