Week ending 11th September

We have had another busy week in Primary 1. We have started to learn our sounds starting with ‘a’ and ‘t’. We have also been learning some common words – a, at and the. Please practise these at home. Look for them in books and in the environment. Play ‘I spy’. One of the downsides of Covid restrictions is we cannot have a class book corner so please share books at home as much as you can. Your child should have brought the sounds and words home in a little bag which will be added to every week. We have also been having fun with numbers. We are particularly enjoying a resource called Numicon. We are doing lots of mark making and writing. Please do lots of drawing and writing at home too. In our farm topic we have been learning about different kinds of farms and about where different foods come from. One of the boys in the class visited a farm yesterday after school and shared some photos with us today of the baby calves. Mrs Campbell spoke to all of the P1A parents/carers earlier this week and was delighted to tell them all how well everyone was settling in at school and how hard everyone was working. Please remember next week is a short week as we are on holiday on Thursday 17th, Friday 18th and Monday 21st for the September weekend.

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