Thursday 14th January

Good morning, boys and girls.

How are we all today? It would be good if you could add a comment to this post telling me about your favourite Christmas present. I’ve missed hearing all about Christmas and what you have been doing.

Some of you have been in touch by email and it has been lovely to see all the good work you are doing.
I am in school today and tomorrow but I will try and reply to your emails as quickly as I can.

I was checking Bug Club and I was delighted to see almost everyone has read their latest book. Well done! Let’s see if everyone can do this by Friday.

Some people are unable to play their HAM games on Active Learn. We are looking into this.

Some parents have been asking about writing. I have explained that the writing skills of children in P1 develop at different rates. At this time of year some children can write a short sentence independently whilst others need support with an adult scribing for them. Encourage your child to write any words they can on their own. Please do not worry about what stage your child is at. Everyone is different and all the children have worked hard mark making and producing more detailed drawings which in turn leads to writing words and sentences.

12 thoughts on “Thursday 14th January”

  1. Niamh says “Hi Mrs Campbell I miss you” Niamh would like me to tell you her favourite present was her Lol Doll house .

    1. Hi Max,

      Wow you got a new scooter. Lucky you! I’ll bet you can go really fast on it.

      Missing you and all the other boys and girls.

      Mrs Campbell

  2. Hello Mrs Campbell. I am missing the school.

    I am doing my school work at home with John.

    I got a set of binoculars, a Nintendo Switch and lots of other presents.

    I will send my work in later this week.

    Hope to see you soon.


    1. Hi Easton,

      Lovely to hear from you. I bet you are having lots of fun with your presents. I loved seeing the photos of your work.

      Missing you and the other boys and girls.

      Mrs Campbell

  3. Hi Mrs Campbell,

    My favourite Christmas present from Santa was my Barbie Dream Camper Van. It has a swimming pool in it for my barbies.

    I’m trying to do some of my tasks today as I’ve not been very well with tonsillitis again this week.

    Missing all my friends at school and I hope to see them and you very soon.

    From Darcey x

    1. Hi Darcey,

      It is lovely to hear from you.I wish I had a Barbie Dream Camper Van! Sorry to hear you have had that awful tonsillitis again!

      Missing you and the other boys and girls.

      Mrs Campbell

  4. Hi Mrs Campbell,

    My favourite Christmas present was a little piano with a microphone and a seat. I’m having lots of fun singing and dancing.

    Love Ava x

  5. Hi Mrs Campbell,

    I had a lovely Christmas and my favourite present was the game ‘Operation’.
    I also got some Mario Lego and golf clubs too! I can’t wait to get a chance to use them.
    I hope you are ok, I am missing being in school and seeing you and my friends.

    From Albie x

    1. Hello Albie,

      Those presents sounds exciting especially the golf clubs.
      I am missing all the boys and girls. Hope it’s not too long
      till I see you again.

      Mrs Campbell

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