Friday 29th November

November has been a very busy month in P3A. The time has just flown by.

Here are a few things we got up to this week:


This week we have been working on the “ea” phoneme. We have been using elkonin boxes, magnetic letters and lots of other fun spelling activities to learn our new sound. In writing this week, we were learning to use imperative verbs to write instructions. We liked using the bossy verbs. We continued reading our class novel “Charlotte’s Web”.


We continued to work on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We are getting really good at them. In Information Handling time we did some carousel activities working on questionnaires, bar charts and Venn diagrams.

Health and Wellbeing

We continued to learn how to play Basketball and this week we worked on passing the ball using chest passes or over head passes.

Other Curricular Areas

We finished off our Christmas Fair decorations reading to sell at last night’s event. We sold nearly every one. Thank you if you bought one.

We also got to see the P7’s production of “Panto Pandemonium.” We joined in with all the booing and hissing. We loved it!!


Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing the children next week as we enter December.

Mr Hay 🙂

Friday 15th November

Can you believe it’s the middle of November already??


We continued working on letter writing this week. We wrote a letter to a friend about how to keep safe around medicine, which we have been learning about during Health and Wellbeing time. We have been working really hard on the phoneme ‘tch’ this week as well. We are enjoying the new active literacy activities.

Lauren was our star writer this week. Well done Lauren!

Lauren: "I wrote my letter to Michelle. I told her all the rules. I used some questions marks and an exclamation mark!"

We completed a carousel of VCOP activities today to get better at using these skills.



We enjoying sharing our learning with the parents. We were working on number bonds, partitioning and empty number lines and did some code breakers.

Michelle: "I liked showing my mum how to play Hit the Button. It was fun."

We have been continuing to learn about Information Handling with Mr Hay. Some of us created questionnaires today. Other groups were working on Venn & Carroll diagrams and another group was working on bar charts. Next week we are going to be creating our own graphs in class.

Jamie R: "We have been making up our own surveys. We were making up questions about favourite foods and birth months. It was exciting."

Health and Wellbeing

We created a poster about how to keep safe when using medicine which we are going to share with other classes in the school. We continued learning how to play basketball. This week we have been practicing bouncing and passing the ball.

Lewis: "We have been doing basketball. We have been learning how to keep control of the basketball. We have to switch our hands to use our left and right."

Other Curricular Areas

We learned about why we hold Remembrance Day and we held a minutes silence.

Emily: "We had a one minute silence. We remember all the people in World War 1 who died. I wore my poppy to school."

We continued to learn some autumn themed songs in music. The words were quite funny. In ICT we are typing letters that we wrote last week. We are working hard on learning how to use Microsoft Word.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Hay! 🙂


Friday 8th November

Another busy week in P3A!


This week we wrote a letter to Theresa Breslin and Kate Lepier about our visit to Dick Institute last week. We are going to type these up and send it to them. Katie was our star writer this week!


Katie: "It was fun writing the letter to the girls. I enjoyed telling them about how I loved sitting down and listening to their story."

We have started to read “Charlotte’s Web” in class. We are excited about this.


We took part in some bonfire code breaking activities. It was quite hard but fun. We were also doing some revision on our knowledge of number bonds.

Bobby: "We had all of these numbers and there were pictures you had to follow. Each picture had a value and we had to work out the calculation."

With Mr Hay, we have been continuing on with our Information Handling activities. We have been working on tally marks, bar graphs, pictographs and Venn Diagrams.

Alyia: "I was working on Venn Diagrams today. We had to sort information into different circles."

Health and Wellbeing

We have started to learn some of the techniques of Basketball in PE.

Neil: "We learnt how to keep the basketball under control. This is quite hard for some people!"

We have also been learning about medicine and how to ensure we keep safe when around medicine. We took part in a class quiz and got ALL the answers right!!

Tess: "Medicine can come in all different bottles and shapes. If you take too much medicine you can feel a lot worse than you did to start with."

Other Curricular Areas

We have set up out own one-drive folders on Glow. We can access this from home and save documents. Mr Hay can also see in our folders.

Oscar: "We went onto Glow into Microsoft One Drive. We made our own folder which Mr Hay can see into. I saved something in mine and it showed up on Mr Hay's computer! It was cool!"

We watch P5A’s assembly this morning about Ancient Egypt. Mr Hay quizzed us when we got back to class and we learned lots about Ancient Egypt.

Our new topic is all about Autumn and we have been enjoying collecting things for our autumn table – it’s nearly full!!

Harris: "I have brought in lots of chestnuts, leaves and acorns. I found them on my way to school and at the Mount!"

Friday 1st November

Oh my – can you believe it’s November already?


For writing this week, we were working on Fireworks poetry. We learned the history behind Guy Fawkes and then wrote our poems.

Erin: "I wrote an Acrostic poem."

Holly was our star writer of the week – she used fantastic adjectives in her story about myths of a castle.

Holly - "I feel good and nice being the star writer."

We were lucky to visit the Dick Institute this week and worked with author Theresa Breslin and illustrator Kate Leiper.

Alex - "I liked the trip. My favourite bit was hearing the story."


We started working on information handling this week.

Sophie: "I was working hard on tally marks."

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mr Hay 🙂

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