We have been exploring the water cycle and created an experiment to see the processes involved. We looked at the different states of water – liquid, water vapour (gas) and solid and discussed the processes of evaporation and condensation.
We have been exploring the water cycle and created an experiment to see the processes involved. We looked at the different states of water – liquid, water vapour (gas) and solid and discussed the processes of evaporation and condensation.
The results are in! P3/4 have come to the conclusion that plants need both light and water to grow healthily. We examined all the plants and we used our measuring skills to measure the growth of each plant.
Black History Month Homework Block 2 Oct-Nov Numeracy 30.9.24 Yellow Spelling Homework 30.9.24 Purple Spelling Homework 30.9.24 Numeracy homework 16.9.24 Numeracy 16.9.24 Yellow Spelling 16.9.24 Purple Spelling 16.9.24 Purple Spelling 16.9.24 Yellow Spelling 16.9.24
We have been learning about the plants in the rainforest and we are carrying out an experiment to investigate what plants need to grow.
We watched a video and then designed an experiment to grow cress in different conditions. Each group had 4 pots to plant and then we will vary the conditions for each pot – sunlight and water, no sunlight and no water, sunlight and no water, and water but no sunlight. We drew a labelled diagram and wrote our own hypothesises.
Mr Harper and his colleague visited us from East Ayrshire Council and talked to us about littering, dog fouling and fly-tipping.
We were surprised to know that a banana takes 2 years to decompose and nappies take up to 500 years!