Tag Archives: Article13

P2/3 – Health Week

Health Week

This week (20-24th May) P2/3 will be taking part in Health Week.

Please wear your PE kit and trainers all week for participating in outdoor and indoor sport activities.
Please bring a painting apron or old tshirt/shirt to wear over your clothes on Tuesday 21st May as P2/3 will be taking part in an art activity with Art Students from UWS.
Friday 24th May is Sports Day – please wear something that is the colour of your house.



P2/3 – Space

Space: Mini Fruit Solar System

Today, P2/3 made a solar system out of fruit. They used a raisin (Mercury), a blueberry (Venus), a grape (Earth), a raspberry (Mars), grapefruit (Jupiter), an orange (Saturn), a tangerine (Uranus) and a plum (Neptune).

The children worked in their groups to figure out the order of the fruits comparing them in size to the planets.

After that, we added the fruit to a skewer to make our very own mini fruit solar system. The children loved trying the fruits as we were making our solar systems, the oranges seemed to be the favourite!

Amazing work P2/3!