Term 3 Overview

What a quick year it’s been already!

Below is an overview of what this term will look like in P7/6:


We will continue to work on spelling rules and up levelling grammar and punctuation – catered to our own abilities.

Listening and Talking

Our focus this term is debating. We will be using current issues to debate.


The pupils will continue to revise Active Comprehension strategies through Bug Club and Literacy Circles using Alice in Wonderland as stimulus. Our main focus this term is Inference; making inferences, creating inferential questions and answering inferential questions using evidence from the text.


Our focus this term is Persuasive Writing. We will be looking at the features of Persuasive writing; powerful verbs, emotive language, rhetorical questioning and the structure of a persuasive piece of writing

Numeracy –

In Numeracy the groups will be covering:

Fractions, Decimals, Percentages;




Problem Solving;

Daily Number Talks/Mental Maths

RME/Health and Wellbeing

Primary 6 and 7 will look at ‘God’s Loving Plan’. An information leaflet will be sent home in the coming weeks. For further information please contact the school. In addition the Primary 6’s will be starting to work towards their Pope Francis Faith Award by reflecting on the following gifts: Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.


On a Thursday Mr Manson from Active Schools will be supporting the pupils with Leadership skills and qualities during PE sessions. This will run until mid June.


Our topic this term is Scottish Politics, taking a closer look into the workings of the Scottish Political system in Scotland. The pupils will be given the opportunity to become different parties and make up their own manifestos and goals and persuade peers to vote for them in a mock class election.

I would like to say a big Thank you to the boys and girls of P7/6 who have welcomed me into the school.

Miss Mudge 🙂