Curricular Update Term 1b

Primary 4 – Curricular Overview


Welcome back to Primary 4’s Learning Blog. Here is an update of what the children in primary 4 will be working on for the remainder of term 1b. These will be our learning expectations until December.



Over the past term, pupils have been working hard in class. We have been learning about Place Value with 4 digit numbers. We have been practising partitioning numbers and looking at thousands, hundreds, tens and units. We have also been putting numbers in the correct order from smallest to largest for example, 654, 789, 1730. We will continue to revisit these skills.

We have also been working on addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers. We have been learning different strategies we could use to add and subtract.

We are now working hard in class to learn our times tables and apply them into our maths work, we are starting to learn more about 3D shapes and their properties.



In literacy we are learning about a different phoneme each week and applying this into our spelling, we have also been learning common words that we frequently use in our writing. We are starting to finish our book study of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We are now working in our reading groups and studying the Bug club texts appropriate to their level.

We are fortunate to be able to borrow and exchange books also from our school library. Pupils are also allowed to visit the book bus every fortnight on a Thursday to borrow and exchange a book. Please make sure you childs book is in their bag to change every Thursday. In knowledge about language we are learning about using the correct phoneme for example: their, there or they’re. We are also starting to look at how to use speech marks correctly.



Pupils are now able to confidently log into the school computers. They are able to log into websites such as Glow, Sumdog and Bugclub. We will continue to build on these skills. Pupils are currently enjoying learning how to create their own PowerPoints related to our class learning. This term we will continue to develop our skills in using Microsoft word, clicker7 and the iPad app clips to make short movies.


Interdisciplinary Learning

We are currently finishing our learning with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and moving onto our next topic which is all about Food Production and Fairtrade. We will be comparing what food is exported from Scotland and imported. We will also be looking at Fairtrade products and why this is so important and how we can be more Fairtrade friendly.


Religious Education

We are currently learning about All Saints and in doing this learning about different Saints and why they were important. We are also remembering people that have died and praying for them. In December we will learn about advent and the Christmas story. We will also be starting to prepare for our Sacraments.


Health and Wellbeing

We will continue to finish our badminton lessons and we have now moved onto gymnastic and hockey lessons. In December we will be learning some social dancing for our Christmas party. In health we will be learning about personal hygiene, how to be a good friend and making good choices.