Tag Archives: numeracy

P3b Thursday 14th January


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. See below for activities       

Task 1

Write your phoneme words and tricky words in bubble writing or if you have a laptop or tablet available you could use these to write or type your spelling words.

Task 2

Draw a picture for each spelling word to show your understanding of the words, make sure you write the word next to each picture.


Please log in to giglets https://giglets.com/ using your own personal log in details.

Incredible Illustrators and Wonderful Writers

Could you please read The Shark in the Dark and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.

Amazing Authors

Could you please read The three little Pigs and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.


Please complete only the work assigned to your group

Marvellous Mathematicians- group 1 (Rhinos and Hyenas)

Task 1

Before Christmas we were working hard on our vertical subtraction with and without exchange ‘regrouping’.

Today please complete this textbook page which requires no exchanging, remember to lay out question 2 as it is in question 1.

Task 2

Play this column subtraction game, https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/verticalSub/

Amazing Adders – group two (Lions)

Task 1

We were moving onto vertical subtraction before Christmas so please watch this YouTube video to show the steps of this.

Remember we always start at the units column!

Once you have watched this please complete the textbook page, remember to lay out question 2 as it is in question 1.

 Task 2

Play this Column subtraction game, https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/verticalSub/

Make sure you untick the ‘some tricky columns’ so you do not have questions with exchange.



During our topic of Africa we did lots of animal report writing. Today, I would like you to choose a bird from the PowerPoint I attached onto the blog on Monday, research some information about the bird so you are able to write about diet, appearance and habitat. Don’t forget to include 2 interesting facts and write in sentences!


Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.

Primary Two Home Learning Thursday 14th January


Numeracy begins with an activity in our messy maths jotter. You can choose between ‘Green for go’ or ‘Pink for think’. Use the numbers below, add two and 5 to each number. Remember to use things like a whiteboard, number line, cubes and so on to help you work out which is which.

Green for go

1 4 15
 0 7 6
19 23 18


Pink for think

18 98 37
25 13 68
54 89 12


Today I have attached a PowerPoint for you to look at all about Mrs Odd and Mr Even. When you have finished looking at it you could create a world for Mr Odd and one for Mrs Even.


Below I have attached some activities for you to try. You do not need to do them all. Remember no work is posted tomorrow so you might do some today and some tomorrow.


Thursday is our story writing day. Today I would like you to write a story all about elephants. Perhaps you go on a trip and find some wild elephants, do they need your help? Perhaps you are there to make a documentary all about them now that you know some elephant facts. When your story is finished you could draw a picture to show what happened in your story.

When writing your story remember

  • Capital letters and full stops
  • Finger spaces
  • Think about the size of the letters, are they tall, small or do they go under the line?
  • Make sure your writing goes from the beginning of the line to the end.
  • Check to see if your story has a beginning, middle and end.
  • Read over your story to check that it makes sense.


Today you should also be revising your tricky words and phoneme. Normally we would have a spelling test on a Friday, perhaps this is something you would like to do tomorrow?


Expressive arts

Today I would like you to draw an elephant. To do this, go to YouTube and type in great artist mom – elephant. Remember to pause as you watch to give you time to draw each part. You could also include a background. You might like to add colour to your picture, you could do this with paint, pens, pencils or whatever you have at home. Remember that you are the artist and it is up to you to decide how you want your final  picture to look.



Thursday 14th January 2021  click here to access the activities on a word document.

P3b Wednesday 13th

Good morning P3b,

what a great start to our week of home learning, it has been fantastic to see your lovely work.  I have been so impressed with everyone applying their heavenly handwriting in their homeschool work too!

Please remember to keep practicing our class poem for Scottish Fortnight. You can find this post on our class blog.

Please find attached todays learning.


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. See below for activities


Task 1 
Write silly sentences using your phoneme words in each sentence and underline.

Task 2

If you have any old newspapers or magazines, use them to cut out letters to make your phoneme and tricky words. If you have paper and glue, you can glue the letters onto a piece of paper to spell your words.

Task 3

Use sign language to spell your phoneme words and your tricky words. Show your parents the wonderful learning we have been doing in class!

Don’t worry if you have forgotten the alphabet, you can follow the hyperlink to help you.



Please log in to giglets https://giglets.com/ using your own personal log in details.

Incredible Illustrators and Wonderful Writers

Yesterday you read The Little Shepard boy, today you should read this again and create a different ending for the book. This can be a few sentences or a small paragraph draw a picture to show this different ending. Try to use a phoneme word and tricky word in your new ending.

Amazing Authors

Yesterday you read Three Bears, today you should read this again and create a different ending for the book.This can be a few sentences or a small paragraph draw a picture to show this different ending. Try to use a phoneme word and tricky word in your new ending.


Task 1

Before the holiday we did lots of work on our vertical addition with and without carrying, feel free to use concrete materials where you need them.

To remind you how we do this please watch this YouTube video


Complete this textbook page.

  • Remember to set out each sum as they are in question 1.

Task 2

Play shark numbers up to 99.

Your counting in 10s the past couple of days will help you with this task



Health and Wellbeing


Activity 1 – do 25 star jumps

Activity 2 – do 25 squats

Activity 3 – do 25 jumping jacks

Activity 4 – bend down, touch the ground and jump up, do this 25 times

Activity 5 – if you can do press ups, do 25 press ups


Task 2

Follow the link to enjoy a dance to Freeze



Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.