Category Archives: Primary 4 20/21

Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning Challenges – Friday 29th January

Choose one family challenge activities to complete with your family.

Please send me a photo, tell you what you did or take a video to show what you have done for your chosen task.

The idea is that these activities you can complete as a family with all those participating contributing at their level.

This week choose one of the following:
  • Family History Scavenger Hunt
  • Outdoor Learning – Tiny Treasure Hunt
  • STEM Task – Make a basket out of a paper plate
  • Task 4 – Scottish Art

Most importantly, choose a task that you will enjoy! I look forward to you sharing your learning. 

Mrs Fullard’s Friday Family Learning Tasks 15/1/21

Have a look at the links below to find out what you need to do for your Family Learning Challenge. You have a choice of activities.

Follow the link to hear me explaining the tasks to you.

To view the tasks in a word document, Click the link below.

Please attach any completed assignment and e-mail me at

I am looking forward to seeing what you do for the task you choose. Have fun!!

P4 Super Science

We have been doing science experiments to learn about the stages of The Water Cycle. Today was cloud busting day!

We learned what happens in the clouds during the water cycle. When too many water droplets accumulate, they fall in the form of PRECIPITATION. We were amazed at how many drops it took to burst our clouds. Our predictions were way off.

Great fun had by all and super learning too.

P4 Scottish Wild Animal Talks

The children have worked hard over the last couple of weeks researching animals which are found in our beautiful countryside.

This week the Primary 4 children presented their PowerPoints and posters to the rest of the class as their first assessed talk for this session.

We learned about a huge variety of amazing creatures.

I was totally blown away by the effort the children put in and also the

pride they took in their work.

Fantastic everyone.

Miss McCrae 🙂