Category Archives: Primary 4 20/21


Wow!!!! How amazing are the shadufs that the children have made. Thank you to all the grown ups at home for the support and encouragement given to these willing designers.

We had great fun talking about the variety of materials used and  all the different design features. Lots of fun was had testing our designs outside.

Fantastic effort everyone! 🙂


P4 RSHP Programme

As part of the Primary 4 RSHP the children were learning that features and characteristics are inherited from parents. We had lots of excellent discussions about how families are made up in lots of different ways. The children were very mature and showed really good understanding.

We all had great fun trying to identify parents from photographs taken around the same age as the children are now. Again lots of valuable discussion took place. I have to admit some were the spitting image!

The children went on to show their learning in a fun way using familiar book characters. This was a really enjoyable lesson.

Well done P4 and thank you all for sharing your photographs.

Dunlop Primary Sketchnote

In November 2019 Dunlop Primary and ECC were inspected by HMIe. We received a fantastic report which highlighted some of the amazing practice within the school. After the initial report was published Mrs Wilson was contacted by our lead inspector, as after some reflection he felt that our Literacy should be highlighted as excellent practice, and to reflect this Education Scotland got in touch to create a Sketchnote and blog. This will be showcased nationally in the Education Scotland newsletter and website.

As a staff team we are immensely proud that our school has received the recognition we feel it deserves. This has been a real team effort and a reflection of strong support that staff, parents and children continue to give each other.

I am immensely proud to have been part of this journey and am looking forward to where we go next.

Miss White


